Thursday, September 1, 2011

C: For Women Only

The men should read as well. So we all know that our bodies go through drastic changes every month. Each month we complain, we wonder, and we feel fat. But then we feel great, we feel thin, we feel strong....hold up!! How can this happen in one month and then happen over and over and over again?! Let's not call it the 'time of month', let's not call it 'flow', let's not even call it 'I'm just bitchy'! Stop making excuses for your menstrual cycle for the benefit of everyone else (ie. MEN). Let's breakdown the actual process so that you can be better prepared for workouts, for relationships, and for life!

Before we take notes...let's quickly talk about Periods. When I was 13, my dad told me that having a period is what makes women the most special thing on the planet because it signals the fact that women can give life. He explained my cycle from a scientific level. There was no giggling, no embarrassment, just a matter of fact conversation about my body. I have done the same with my daughter. Since then, I have been very aware and have always kept a weekly schedule but as I have met more and more female friends, I realized that not everyone this 'talk'. Self magazine breaks it down like my dad did, so many years ago.

According to the September 2011 issue of Self magazine under the article, "Feel Well Every Week', if you have more information about what is going on biologically, you can make better decisions for your body logically. Make sense? Okay...get your calendar out and let's begin.

Week 1-YOU HAVE YOUR PERIOD. This means that Estrogen and progesterone levels are low. Low levels of estrogen can cause depression, irritability, and even OCD. Estrogen's partner in crime, Progesterone can do wonders when trying to get preggers...they work together to help 'signal in the sperm'...I often think of little guys with glow sticks motioning a huge airplane. Anyway, I digress. If progesterone levels are low, it can cause sodium retention, cramping, diarreha. So what do you need to do during this time? My advice, take it easy!! Perhaps you switch up your workout to include more stretching. Low estrogen can also cause your temperature to rise so try just sleeping with a sheet instead of a comforter. Also, turn off the laptop and silence the cell a few hours before going to bed...this week you need your rest!

Week 2-You'll be feeling great because your body is preparing to ovulate. You've made it through the cramps and sleepless nights so this week, tackle projects and keep your house in order. Estrogen and Testosterone levels are pretty high so put on that mascara and show off that toned bod!! Use the extra energy to really push through your workouts. If you normally do a set of 30, try sets of 35..your body will thank you on that days that you don't feel all that energized.

Week 3-So this week the egg is released and is on its way down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. Some women say that it is during THIS time when they feel the most irritable...why? Well...we are animals. Women are biologically designed to produce so when your body releases that unfertilized egg, it is pissed and makes you suffer for it. You may even feel a little down. To help with symptoms, up your calcium levels. Yes, there is milk (but milk is for baby cows). Why not use some alternatives like collard greens, soymilk, black-eyed peas, tofu, oj, molasses, baked beans, kale, cabbage, oranges, almonds, broccoli. So load up on a stir fry and add lots of broccoli...:)

Week 4-So now that your body is pissed from not getting fertilized your estrogen and progesterone levels will drop (see week 1). While more stable in week 1 (actually during your period), the week before can be hell. Find some quiet space to just be. If you feel irritated, take a walk, take a breath...pre-menstrual symptoms are no joke and can lead to confusion, mis-interpretation, and irrational thinking. Don't respond to emails or text messages right away. Do not react to perceived 'tones' or 'attitudes' and try not to be too impulsive. Keeping a record of this week will really help. Bump up your banana and broccoli intake to help with the increased amount of salt your body is holding onto. Drink plenty of water and tea to help ease anxiety. These are real feelings you feel but your mind may be blowing them out of proportion so this may be a good time to get to that nature walk path you've been meaning to do, this time, go alone.

I hope this helps. Tuning into your body is so important. Instead of beating yourself up for not working out, go with the flow. Listen to what your body needs and just go with it without the guilt.


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