Sunday, September 25, 2011

Q: Back home Again...Part 1

For months I prepared for the journey home mentally and physically. Excitement kept me going while anxiety held me back. I found myself stuck in this cycle of both wanting to go and finding any reason to stay. It's been about 6 months since the last time I set foot in NY and a number of things have changed. The most obvious is that I am almost 100lbs lighter and the not so obvious is that mentally I am at peace. Life is different now and the person that they once new and have grown to love is no longer there. For so long my happiness was sustained by the interactions I had with others and now my happiness is from the self I've grown to know. Although, I knew that the friends that I have made would welcome me with open arms, my insecurities always made me question if they would notice. Not only was I feeling the anxiety of being reintroduced to NY and the life I once lived but I also had to deal with my greatest challenge...would I be able to fit comfortably in the airplane seat and fasten my seat belt without the extender.

Finally the day came, dropped my dogs off and started driving to Orlando International airport with my mind full of what if's. What if i cant fasten the seat belt, what if they don't notice, what if the flight attendant points out that I'm fat, what if I really have not changed...While all of this was going through my mind the day moved forward, entered the full body scan, carried my bag to my gate sat down, took a deep breath and just let it all go. When I opened my eyes at that very moment I felt calm and assured that even if they did not notice I knew I changed. I knew that life was not about a drink, a snack, nachos, or fried food. The calm I felt was based more on the love I now had for self and the appreciation I had for the world.

It was time to board the plane, I stopped took a deep breath and proceeded to make my way towards the first obstacle from my past. There I stood looking down at the seat I would take, it was in the isle, more room to stretch my legs. Because the flight was early I was able to sit by myself in front of two people that would later shape the scope of the day. It was time, I reached for the seat belt did not hold my breath to suck in my stomach and I securely fastened the belt and had to pull it tighter.

At that moment for the first time I breathed and really smiled and as I did so I was able to meet such a wonderful person. People travel, from going to work to the market and finally on vacation. Although we are a species surrounded by others we tend to only focus on self and never look up and meet the person sitting next to you. I used to be one of those people only focusing on myself and how miserable I was. Living day to day to eat and drink, waking up in the morning going to a dead end job, living in a place that seemed grey at all times of the year, life was grim. But the person I am now has allowed me to look at the world and the people around me with a different understanding. So when I met this fellow traveler I felt connected just at that moment. As we talked about accomplishment, weight loss, having younger people in our lives I realized that ultimately as travelers we share similar experiences.

During the flight not only was I able to fasten my seat belt, but I was able to pull the tray down and nicely rest my cup of water on it. Most people do not have to worry about this but for those that do you will understand how important this act was. The second flight was the same I could fasten the seat belt and pull down the tray. But unlike my first flight I did not make any connections instead I thought about the conversation I had and how important it is to help people through there own journey. Because of that flight I understand that losing weight is not just an adult conversations; it is a conversation that should be held at all levels and not with the words diet but with the words healthy living. I want to thank Colleen, because of that conversation I now know how important it is to talk to the younger generations about keeping themselves healthy.

By the way, I landed got up without anxiety and walked out of the airport into the brisk fall air of upstate NY. I loaded myself into the car and looked at my best friend I knew at that moment that things were different.

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