Thursday, October 18, 2012

Crossfit and me

I'm really starting to appreciate these long rides on the Bart as it gives me time to write. Since I watched my first #Crossfit games I was hooked. I wanted to do it, wanted to compete, I finally saw women who had the body I envisioned. Since then I've been on a quest to find a gym and take a class. But first had to get up the nerve to stop in as I am no where close to having that Crossfit body.

Time went on and although I really wanted to take the classes I never went. Instead I made every excuse as to why I can't do it now so I concentrated on doing other things but something was missing. What was missing was competition, I'm a competitor have always been and when I got fAat I stopped competing. Hell I stopped moving, the only thing that was a challenge was the battle between family sized or regular size bag of Doritos (the Red bag).

So now here I am, I go to the gym however I find myself getting bored and my focus wanders. In order to fix this issue I had decided to pay for a trainer. Someone that could set me up every week so that I stay on track. Show different exercises and would measure my progress. Well this process has not been enjoyable.

24hr Fitness in Alameda has exhibited the worst member service and the trainers do not contact you. There is an option to purchase training sessions online which I would never suggest doing unless you have met and sat down with the trainer. So here I am still searching and then I revisited the idea of Crossfit.

To my surprise a few people I know have started to do it, this sparked my interest. I thought ok this time I'm ready, let's do this and looked into the gym and this is what I found.

1. There is a waiting list for the beginner session - O_o umm really a waiting list

2. The first two classes you get at a discounted rate then after that for two, TWO, classes per week its 85.00- I would need a part time job just to work out

3. It states if you are not in good enough shape they want you to take one on one sessions which amount to 4 classes for 400.00- are you kidding!

So as much as I want to do Crossfit I'll have to pass unless there is an amazing Groupon, Living Social or Zozi deal. Again I am faced with the reality that its cheaper to be fat than it is to get in shape. I do understand that there are alternatives out there. But I want to sweat, I want to compete against my peers, but I'm not willing to pay 400 a month for 8 classes and no showers. So what to do now?

Well what I'll do now is find another 24hr fitness and look for a trainer at that location. Next I'm going to invest in a bike and continue to workout and find cheap fun challenges. Challenges such as the Mud Run, or a long hike and maybe a few 5k's such as the SF turkey trot (you get to wear a costume :). Either way I'll get out start pushing and appreciate the trainers I have in Tony Horton and Shaun T.

Excercise shouldn't be expensive but its also not going to be cheap. I just can't justify paying 100 a week for a few classes. What I can do is take that money, put it away and go on a trip, or send my friends a gift, pay down some bills, or buy the snow shows and snowboard I want. The lesson is that even when reality sets in that maybe you're not fit enough or you can't afford something it doesn't mean you give up. You adapt and push harder one day ill be able to offer such classes at a reasonable rate for people like me. People that may not be in the best shape, may not be able to afford a lot but have the drive and passion to overcome challenges.

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