Monday, November 26, 2012

C: Carb Cycling

I have been carb 'tweaking' for the past few months and think I have found something that will work for me. The idea of eating the same things day in and day out just to look like something I do not want to be is not appealing. I do not want to compete, I do not want to starve myself for weigh-ins only to have a huge cake when the weigh-in is done. I love pasta, I love veggies, I love fish, I love seasonings, I love different oils, etc. I just want to eat as close to the earth as possible, ie...the REAL definition of eating clean and workout at a schedule that does not have me in the gym for hours and hours. I am a mom, a sister, a daughter, a friend, a coworker...I have a life and want my life; I just want a thinner me in my life :). I want something I can do forever and I think I've found it. I have been reading and working through Chris Powell's book, 'Chose to Lose, The 7 Day Carb Cycle Solution'.

I first saw Chris on one of the Extreme Weight Loss makeover shows and then again on Dr. Oz. He was talking about carb cycling but to really understand what carb cycling is, I had to get the book. Boy am I glad I did!

In a nutshell, I have Sundays free meaning that I do not count calories, or fat, or carbs, nothing. I just eat what I want. Having that freedom you think 'WOO-HOO!' but in reality, I stay eating pretty healthy. Yesterday I had blue cheese and a peppermint mocha with....GASP...whipped cream. LOL...not a big deal but it felt good to feel free. Monday - Saturday I practice high carb (hc) and low carb (lc) days. This happens for 3 weeks with the 4th week being all hc days. I am still working through the book to understand the workouts with which day it is so for now I am doing the following:

15 minute level 1 Chris Powell Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition
25 minute brisk 2 mile walk outside
24 minute 3min bike ride at 20% tension/2min at 60% tension/1min at 100% tension x4
Lats/Shoulders/Abs alternating with Leg press/Abs depending on the day

Besides feeling like there is a light not at the end of the tunnel but that there is a freaking light in the first place, a few things struck me to the core:

-You have to deal with the mental hurdles. Chris talks about separating your mind from your body, even calling your body another name. Not that my body has done anything wrong but I have allowed my body to act like a spoiled baby and the weight gain is the result of that. Now, when I want to eat something that is not good for me or I do not want to get up at my goal time to wake up, I literally talk to my body from my mind's point of view. My mind knows what is good for me, what will make me strong, what I need to work for, what I need to be thankful for, etc. Leading with the mind is such a new concept and something I have never seen before.

-You have to have a support system. Seeing skinny girls with boob enhancements that have put on 30lbs of muscle is not motivating to someone like me. Talking to others that are changing their lives by feeding themselves with good food, with good value, with great friendship is what I am seeking; it is what I need to transition into this life style.

-This IS a life style change. This is not a quick fix. There is work involved. Cravings and being sedentary are just not good for your body (call the body out remember!). Your body needs to be there for your children and your friends. Your body needs to be able to fellowship and to produce goodness in this world. Most of all your body needs to be a vehicle for all of us to live in our truth.

I will upload my meals tomorrow :)


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