Monday, June 13, 2011

C: Listening to YOUR Body

Yes we have goals and yes we want to be a beast on the pulley machine however! YOU MUST LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Recently I decided to step it up a notch with my workouts so I split my workout in half (instead of 1 hour/week with my trainer I am now doing two 1/2 hour sessions/week). It is also hot here in FL so I am swimming everyday. But now my body is saying...whoaaaaa cowgirl....take it easy! I didn't listen and now I have a pulled hip flexor. For those of you who do not know what that groin is seriously hurt; so hurt that sometimes I can barely walk. So...I'm getting more cardio in at a slower/longer pace than busting it out in short spurts. Plus...I'll need to warn my trainer that I am hurt...see what he wants to do.

I'll update you on that workout because I still want to maintain what I've lost through the injury. So listen to your body before it gets hurt and incorporate more stretching/yoga into your routine.


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