Monday, August 15, 2011

C: My Forgotten Snack

I used to LOVE popcorn! I used to love popcorn so much that when we would go to my dad's for the weekend, I remember my step mother slapping my hand out of the bowl. I used to wish I had my own bowl. I am a product of the 80's, remember when you could eat bags and bags of the stuff and seemingly feel full and not gain any weight. Well, the microwave crap is for the birds. My tongue would feel itchy and I used to feel this dried, disgusting feeling in my throat after throwing back a bag (or 2). So when I was at a recent wine event and gourmet popcorn was being passed around, I couldn't resist. The host for the evening is from London and partial to finger foods paired with fabulous wines. She wants you to enjoy the wine but not feel too full off of the food being served with the wine. So then how do you keep folks from getting drunk?! She picked the perfect solution...popcorn. She makes a huge homemade batch and then sprinkles them with her favorite toppings. There were little cups dusted with feta, some sprinkled with stevia (for that kettle corn affect), and some even dusted with chocolate and chilli powder for the red wines. It was absolutely de-lish!! And with the individual cups, you could down the entire thing or eat daintily while sipping your wine. I decided on the stevia blend and paired it with an iced cold riesling which, by the way, went along excellent with the cheese puffs she was serving (recipe to follow in another blog).

Here's how to make homemade popcorn (perfect every time!)
Put a deep pot on to medium-high heat
Pour about 3 tbsp of oil (I prefer vegetable)
Pour 1/2 cup of popcorn kernels into pot
Put lid on
You'll hear popping in about 5 mins, give the pot with lid on, 1 hard shake after the popping slows.
Remove from heat, distribute into equal bowls (sprinkle with your toppings as you desire)

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