Wednesday, August 10, 2011

C: Reasons to Get Moving

What are your reasons to get moving these days? Have you thought about them? Before you start listing 'I need to get in shape for my reunion' or 'I would really like to wear a bikini', let's start with the first reason; you need to get moving for YOU. So many times we put our loved ones, work, kids, magazine articles, and even guilt first before we put ourselves first. How can you achieve all that you would like to achieve if you don't put yourself first?

Believe me, I've heard the excuses...'well, she cries in the 2 hour childcare while I workout'...'well, my husband feels like we aren't spending time together'...'I'll miss my favorite show'. I HAVE HEARD THEM ALL and the answer to me is, 'then you really do not want to get fit'. In order to get fit you HAVE to put YOU first. Simple, plain, the end. Realize that you will feel better, you will look better, and most importantly, you WILL actually have the energy to get to all of those who depend on you, and guess what, you'll do it with a better attitude. So...start small (walk 15mins at a brisk pace every morning), create doable goals (Include veggies in every meal), and commit to the process (Instead of running away from stress, work through it with exercise)...YOU WILL SEE RESULTS!

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” - Buddha

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