Tuesday, August 9, 2011

C: Where Does The Time Go?!

Well...it constantly changes, of course!! It is amazing how life changes and how bodies and minds change along with it. When I first started this journey, I really depended on this blog as my escape but now that 7 months have gone by, it feels like a long lost friend. So what has been happening with me? Well...I'm still working out, eating right and living life. Once I dealt with the WHYs of food obsession, I cleared the way for new adventures and hobbies to occupy that space. I am now obsessed with jewelry and jewelry making, knitting (yes, even in Florida), travel, I've really gotten back into reading, and just taking time to redefine who I am. The food has become such a small factor in my life, the food is now for life energy. What have you discovered about yourself now that you have put down the fork? Isn't life full of amazing things?!

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