Monday, July 4, 2011

Q: The End

The past few weeks has been one of the most eye opening experiences thus far. One thing about change is that when you change one thing everything else has to change. When you commit to happiness and a healthy lifestyle the world you once knew begins to crumble. Those great friends you once had that you spent every Friday or Saturday with drinking, eating laughing...gone...The significant other who promised the support you need to get through this moment...gone...In the beginning there was a lot of support,there were a lot of calls and emailed support but now...gone...In the past I would have ignored this just kept moving replaced those that were lost with those that filled the void. This time the one thing I realized and when you commit to getting healthy, you commit to the lifestyle. When the person I was seeing decided to end the relationship for a minute I was crushed. That was the first step in knowing that I have changed because for once the hurt was real instead of anger. The funny thing about it was I got the ole George Costanza its not me its you bit.
My first reaction was shock as they continued by saying they have been seeing someone that was it. I didn't lose my cool I kindly said I hope it was worth it and that was it. At that moment I really lost all the negativity that I was holding onto. I was becoming healthy and in my quest to get in the best shape of my life everything that was unhealthy or negative eliminated themselves. Here I am lighter, more aware, I now understand that life is all about balance. Everything in life should balance themselves from friends, to family and to the special someone.
If there are stones in your life that do not support who you are, who you were and who you will be then its time to skip them across that pond.
Life is a series of roads, hills, mountains, deserts, forests and valleys. Its an adventure, a day at the beach, a triathlon, the first mile run, a first date, that first kiss a never ending story. We are all lucky in that the road we take can be chosen. Throughout my journey I have learned that we at times put too much focus on the road and forget to choose the right people to go with. Life hit me yet my focus remains the same actually it became stronger. Challenge, Balance, Live, Love, Laugh,Explore, Discover, and Support the words I say daily.

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