Saturday, September 15, 2012

The glass is half empty

We all know what the saying "you are always looking at the glass as half empty" refers to in life. Usually there is a continuation of thought and the person points out that the glass is also half full with the implication that the goal is half completed. For years I've looked at that empty glass and the thought "I couldn't just leave that glass half empty"  and so I never did. The past few years I've struggled with this idea of waste and letting things go, partly because growing up there were more than a few times when I went hungry. As I stated in previous posts I never let anything go to waste and over the years I was very successful in gaining over 150lbs. As I look back to 2011 one of the things I tackled was this idea of letting things go to waste and how to deal with that on a personal level. For the most part I managed just that, I purchased everything in single person sizes, gone were the days of buying large bags of rice or taking advantage of the 10 for 10 deals in the store. I lived alone, no kids, no girl just two dogs, thus purchasing 10 boxes of noodles and a family pack of chicken didn't make sense. So I changed, re charged the kitchen, saved money and then focused on cooking just enough.

100lbs and a year later in a new city, renting a  room, no dogs, or close friends I find myself struggling again with this idea of waste. I live in a house with someone who does not have a weight problem, loves snacks, eats out and buys things in bulk. There are always leftovers and there are always chips, dip and alcohol, needless to say I've eaten, thankfully haven't gained nor lost any additional weight. But that brings me to these two questions, the first, how to achieve a goal without support and second, how to exercise control when you're surrounded by everything that makes you lose it.

I don't have the answers just yet, what I can share is that you really have to want whatever goal you set. There will always be an obstacle and someone there that does not support your vision or progress, however there will also be a positive being there as well. We have to want it and we have to find the support within ourselves, continuing to look for outside validation is what has brought me back to the kitchen, brought me back to snacks. As I rejoin the life of eating as close to the ground as possible or eating clean I am faced with a challenge I have never faced before. How to create my vision of self without any immediate support?

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