Sunday, September 23, 2012


For the past few weeks I've found myself spiraling down a road that has been unfamiliar and frighting. The trouble began when I stepped on the scale and noticed I had not lost an ounce since the weeks prior. In reality it made sense why I had not lost any weight, I had not worked out, I started drinking more and found myself eating all the things that consistently made me sick. So I saw the signs yet I was stuck between feeling extremely alone and dealing with emotional vulnerability. Eventually I would break and fall but two things happened that helped me stand up, the first, a random handshake from a stranger. The second, a post from C reminding me of the power of friendship, unconditional love and support.

This combination recharged me, its given me a since of thirst for fitness that I haven't seen. As I have recharged my love for Yoga, pushing myself to limits and the pain that comes from a heavy dose of weights, what comes to mind is the power of support and friendships.

Losing weight, getting healthy, focusing on fitness can be difficult for many reasons; the first being that you may not have enough time in the day, or you may not, or believe you do not, have the right resources and you don't have the support. Unfortunately we are conditioned to focus on what we feel we do not have instead of what we in fact have.

But there is support, we have the resources and there is always time, I forgot that and had to be reminded of it. What I find I don't have time for is being at the bar, meeting for happy hour, I don't have time for things I really do not want to do. I also have found that there is support and I'm lucky to have people in my corner that A. would catch me if I truly fell and B. would always be there when I truly need them. But living thousands of miles away from them is still difficult and thus I've found out two things. First the most important person that needs to support me and my goals is myself. Second there is a large community of people out there like myself who is just looking for that same supportive space.

I want to let everyone know that I am here to provide support, C is here to provide support and these websites also offer additional communities of support. Fitness, Health are not exclusive clubs we all fit into the life its just time to start embracing it.
also check out events being offered on,,,

The point is its out there and as I embark on my next challenge (Triathlon) I am going to need as much support as I can get. 

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