Monday, March 28, 2011

C: Encouraging Words

Today was my first 'official' day with my trainer, Chris (after the 3 freebies). Every time a move was hard or I could not do one more rep he said, 'If I see it in my mind, I will hold it in my hands; great thoughts become great things! Come on Cara, 5 more!' LOL...Each time I took a deep breath and counted the rep down. I was so proud of myself because the 3 group of each set (explained below) I could go without stopping. After the workout I asked him where that saying came from and he said he didn't know. I googled it and it comes from The! I LOVE this book!

Here is my 3/28 1hour workout breakdown:

5 min warm up (treadmill 2.6/6.0 incline)
Next follows sets of exercises. He allowed me 45-60 second breaks in between each set.

Set 1 x3
30 incline press (12lb weight)
30 squat with bicep curl (12lb weight)
30 ball sit-ups
45 secs pm bike used for spinning, seat removed (yep! stand up and pump!!)
...Rinse and Repeat entire set twice more, 45-60sec break in between, focus on breath

Set 2 x3
30 sec plank on ball (honestly, this was the HARDEST rep!)
30 pulley squats w/lat squeeze when standing up
30 fish kicks on ball (lay across ball on stomach, arms across a bench...kick legs up, squeezing the lower back and butt)
30 sec ice skater (jump from left to right with opposite leg going behind landing not touch the ground with your limp leg)
...Rinse and Repeat entire set twice more, 45-60sec break in between, focus on breath

Set 3 x3
30 standing V bicep curl to shoulder press up
30 pulley side pulls (these are killer)
15 row, each arm (use at least 15lb kettle ball)
30 sec ice skater
...Rinse and Repeat entire set twice more, 45-60 sec break in between, focus on breath

Friday, March 25, 2011

Q: Belly Chub

I've been going to my yoga class for about a month and recently I started going 2 times per week. I have found that going on a Wednesday morning assists me with getting through the week while washing away any stress from the beginning of the week. As I continue to go to the classes, I feel myself surrendering to the movement and getting stronger with each pose. Every class is bringing me closer and closer to the point where I can truly quiet my mind and move my body. This past week during class it was a new release, basically just a change of movements and poses that at time was very challenging due to my lack of complete balance.

Although, I had to release the pose from time to time I surrendered, I surrendered to the sounds, the instructors voice, focused on the way my body felt and the energy moving inside of me. Then I opened my eyes and staring back at me was my love chub, my belly chub. As I stood there twisted body attempting to mimic a tree in that full mirror I watched as my chub poked out from under the shirt that was slightly lifted due to my contorting. There it was, there I was, me, the music and my chub just in the full length mirror in a a dimly lit room.

The old me would have stopped what I was doing pulled my shorts up over the belly, pulled my shirt down, might have even tucked it in. I would have attempted to stay focused however the thought of people seeing would keep my mind screaming to get out. The NEW ME however said "OK" and I just let it go and went back into the zone and continued to love my body. Then it came to me that's what this process is for me it is not about just losing weight and learning something new. It's about falling in love with the self I know I am and loving my body whether it has chub, flub or non at all. I didn't care if someone saw, I didn't care if the weird skinny guy who could put his balls in his face saw (yes he was attempting to contort himself in that manner). I focused on the movement, my mind and on my body. I loved myself in that very moment more than I've loved myself in years (I hope you understand what I mean). This is about me, you, we, us, and I. Did I tell you I'm getting stronger? yes I am doing things that 1 month ago I could not do and now I'm excited for the future. At the end of that day I knew that I loved my belly chub, its not perfect but it will be and I'm getting there

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Q: Yoga I heart You

I love Yoga! I am so glad that I took that step out of my comfort zone and took the class. Not only am I enjoying the movements, the poses, the meditation, but I am also enjoying feeling my body move. I feel myself getting stronger, a bit more flexible and its allowing me to just be me. Namaste

Q: To Albany with Love

I went home recently, back to NY, back to Albany a place where I managed to live, learn, love and eat. You can imagine that the buildup before the grueling 20hr drive alone and the stress of sticking with my healthy living while on the road. I stressed myself to the point I was having panic attacks about the thought of driving the long hours and buying something on the road. I set out on my journey at 1am with my water bottle, 2 granola bars and trail mix. I drove and drove and drove and stopped had a sit down breakfast at a waffle house in a small little town in which a baby was crawling on the counter and then headed back into the car. I drove for hours stopping for gas and once for subway when my hunger was strong I could not concentrate. Finally I arrived in New York City my home town I drove across the GW feeling a sense of calm yet knowing that I was a tourist in my hometown. I drove until I hit my mom's house hoping that food was waiting for me once I got in and of course like NYC parking was not in site. Finally after driving around the block for multiple times I found a spot got out and looked around for the first time. At that moment I knew I changed, I knew I was different because although I was pissed I had to drive to look for a spot I was happy that it was far away. Food was not cooked mom offered to go to the store, old me would have said "hell yeah" but new me said nope just some water and sleep.

The next morning I jumped back in my car this time with my dog and headed to Albany. I was ready feeling good, tired, hungry ready to see my people and discuss all that has happened. First thing I noticed when I parked was how grey everything was. You never realize how the color leaves the north with the coming of the winter and you find more people bracing against the cold rather than a smiling face. The hardest part about going home was not the bad food or bad habits I could reclaim but eating in general was the toughest. Eventually I met up with my friends and after two weak drinks I was drunk (very sad) and we walked to the best place in Albany, Bombers Burrito Bar. My order which I said man im not even going to think about calories etc. this was my day, I ordered loaded Nachos. Loaded nachos consist of Nachos, lettuce, salsa, your choice of chili (I had Texas chili) cheese, sour cream and guacamole. I ate it, although I had enough I ate it all and you know what I was sick. My body ached I felt like I was going to throw up, I felt weak and heavy, unable to move I left the party went in the back and fell asleep. There was no partying, no drinking and laughing and singing, just me and my two dogs on a futon in the back of my best buds house sleep hoping that the bubbling in my tummy would stop.

What I learned is that once you have changed your eating habits and incorporating certain things in your life its hard to shy away from it. Going home was great I missed and still miss my people, wish they would come down to Tampa for a few years but I am happy with being away from the Grey. The one thing I know for sure is that daily the sun will shine.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

C: Yoga = More Brain Matter...What?!!

Yep! You read right!! I just read in this month's Fitness Magazine that adults who practiced about 27 mins of mindful activity a day, including yoga and meditation, had significant increases in gray matter in eight weeks!! (ref: Sara Lazar, Ph.D.) THAT is something I can feel great about!! Come everyone...close your eyes and take a deep cleansing breath...and now whoooooooosh it out!

Friday, March 11, 2011

C: Friday Tip

Well, I have 2 Friday tips...2 because I thought of the idea last week but then didn't post it. :) So here goes. GNC sells this little gem of a powder called AC (enter lightening bolt) C3 in pink lemonade. I first tried this stuff as a sample in the store and Bernard, my GNC nutritionist, sent me home with a week's worth to try. I LOVE the stuff. I get the benefits of about 2 cups of coffee without the gitters, without the stomach issues, without the bad coffee breath. I use only 1 scoop (you can use from 1/2 scoop to 2 scoops, but no more than 2 scoops in a 24 hour period) mixed with about 12oz water daily with my breakfast and it gives me such focused energy. I actually sat and played with my daughter for 2 hours the other day which I NEVER because I feel like I have to get so much done. The energy starts wearing off about 9-10pm if I have the drink at 9am...enough to get me through the day, through my mommy day, and through my 'me-time' workouts! Love love love the stuff!

 Tip 2...In the latest WellBella magazine ( you see a theme here?! Check out your local store!!), I was fascinated by the 'stop sucking it in' article on page 38. So much emphasis on the abs goes toward the actual abdominal muscles and the obliques but did you know that having a desk job actually hinders the most important 'ab' muscles of all?!! Yep...the Transversus Addominis (TVA) is that lovely set of muscles below the belly, above the love below. They literally forget their job when we sit for days and days. How do we get them to remember their job?! have to stop by your GNC and pick up the mag for that but I have found a great way to get them moving on my own. Sit in your chair, back against the back of the chair, shoulders relaxed. Try to sit with your chair raised to its highest level. Next steady yourself by putting your hands, shoulder width apart on either side of your desk. Straighten your legs so that your heels are the only thing touching the floor. Using your TVAs, pull your legs up to to about 4-5 inches off the ground, try not to cheat by using your arms against your desk. You will feel this in your abs AND your inner thighs. I like to do 2 sets of 15 (I count to 30) each set and I do 25 sets which equal 375!! When you stand up, you WILL feel it. It is safe to work abs out's to getting your 'girdle' back!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

C: Meditation

How do you ignore your inner critic whilst in downward dog moving to right foot lunge? Last night I had a terrible time quieting that person but at one point, I looked around the room and saw the skinniest of skinnys struggling as well and then I realized that I had to focus on my breath. I needed to surrender to my body and 'sink into' the pose instead of having my mind all over the place. Yoga brings me into THE moment which is an automatic 'shutter-upper' of the inner critic. Can't wait until Sunday to do it all again.

Monday, March 7, 2011

C: Lessons I've Learned So Far

Thought I'd jot down some gems that work for me; things  I've learned thus far in my weight loss journey:

1-Need to lose weight for the RIGHT reasons
2. Drink plenty of water to wash toxins -- Water is Life Blood
3. Eat to feel satisfied. Eating like a bird does not work for me, I end up eating crap all day.
4. Set daily goals and try to make every day the BEST day...That is my gift to myself.
5. No day is a 'bad' day. No guilt here!
6. Make meals on Sunday, portion them out into containers. I also hit the market on Mondays and Fridays to ensure that I have items I 'like' in the house instead of looking at a bunch of salad bags and thinking 'pizza, pizza, pizza'

C: Tattoos, Food, and Musicals Oh My!

Let's get the third item out of the way. Can I just say that I was so damn excited to fit COMFORTABLY not only in the airplane seat when I traveled a few weeks back but also during a performance of Wicked. I was concentrating on the musical and enjoying every bit of it but I couldn't help but fall into thoughts of grandeur (okay...a bikini) as I thought about my new body. I am feeling stronger and stronger every day. I've also decided to go ahead with my sleeve. I can feel my grandparents cringing but I really want one. I have so many tattoo ideas and I want them in one place. I have picked my pictures, some are still being designed, and am going for it. At this point in my career I know where I am headed and know what kind of company I want to work for....soooooo....yep....getting the tats. While I am rambling :) I thought I would add that yoga has really been amazing to me. I purchased a dvd and now practice in the morning. I actually ordered things like a yoga bolster and straps in order to help with my stretching.

Onto food....I 'stumbled upon' this gem. While we know the foods that are not good for us and the foods that are good, I was surprised to see Chipotle on the list.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Q: Playlist

I love background music, every moment in my life I have probably had some type of theme song playing over and over in my head. When I play COD Black Ops all I can hear is Guns and Roses "Welcome to the Jungle" or LL's "Mama said Knock you Ouuut." If I'm in a Madden type of mood I might hear Jay Z's "Cant Knock the Hustle, or its a Hard Knock Life." My life is a walking playlist and when it comes to the gym my focus is to go long push hard then explode and with that listed is my playlist.

1. Kanye West "Good Morning
2. Paramore "Let This Go"
3. Jay Z "Say Hello"
4. 30 Seconds to Mars "A Beautiful Lie"
5. Jessie J "Do it Like A Dude"
6. Paramour "Brick By Boring Brick"
7. Jay Z "Moment of Clarity
8. Jay Z "Young Forever"
9. Linkin Park "Black Out"
10. Paramour "We are Broken"
11. Paramour "WHOA"
12. Linkin Park "Waiting for the End"
13. Jay z "I Just Wanna Love You"
14. My Chemical Romance "Famous Last Words"
Track 15 is the most important because this is what I walk out of the gym with.....
Jay Z "Empire State of Mind"