Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rules: Get yo Ass of the couch challenge

The Rules:

1.       You have to do a minimum of 20 min per day of exercise… Check out www.youtube.com/fAatyoGa for a great 20min workout routine
2.       Sign up for your FREE Beach Body account at http://www.teambeachbody.com/
3.       Once you are on the site when asked who you want your coach to be make sure you enter Shaquay Clark, you will receive an invite to join the fAat yoGa challenge group.
4.       Become familier with the site and log your exercises per day. Enter in the 20min you do in the morning and any other activities you do to keep active. Two reasons for this, first at the end of the week you will be entered in a weekly fAat yoGa drawing and Second Beach Body gives out prizes on a daily basis for those who log in their workouts.
5.       Keep in touch with us either on facebook (www.facebook.com/fAatyoGa), check out the videos for additional 20 minute workouts at (www.youtube.com/fAatyoGa) and of course this blog.
6.       Any questions feel free to contact us via Facebook or email at fAatyoGa@gmail.com
      7.   Take a before picture dont worry we wont ask you to publish it if you are not
             willing to. This is because at the end of the challenge you must take an after and then we will ask you to publish both photos. To keep everyone honest please email your before pictue to fAatyoGa@gmail.com this will kept safe and sound until the end results. 
 ***** One last thing, once you become a team beach body on the tab that says join a group click on that and enter fAat yoGa and join our group.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

C: Plateau

In the world of geology, a plateau simply means flat terrain but in the fitness world it simply means YOU ARE STUCK! Now that we are rounding out May, I have been feeling S-T-U-C-K! My body does not want to do an hour long once a week workout with my trainer, my body hates the treadmill, none of the classes interest me....uggggg. I took last week off to think about 'why' I was feeling stuck. It has been 4 months since we started this journey and I was just plain 'antsy'! I then realized that many times, when you reach the plateau of a mountain, or a valley, or the top of a building, is when you truly see EVERYTHING! Give me a moment to explain. Let's say you decided to take a hike. You walked along the path and waved to a bird, and swatted a fly. You may have even looked away from the path to see the running stream or the sun glistening through the trees. But when you get to a clearing, a plateau, what do you normally do? You look around to see where you hiked from, see where you can hike to in the future, and see where you destination lies. It gives you hope that through all those steps over the river and through the woods, added up to this very moment. From here you can really 'see' what you were hiking for.

I reached my plateau last week but instead of feeling 'stuck', I opened my eyes and felt grateful for how much I've pushed through over the past few months. I finally embraced that this journey is also a process. A process of daily commitment of staying active and feeding my body quality foods. I remembered that I am my own personal champion...that only I have the choice to stop or go on and only I have the choice of what attitude I will take as I move forward in this journey. And finally, I told myself to not dwell in the negative feelings of 'not seeing results' because I AM seeing results. There is no way to know what size will be your 'goal size' or what weight will be your 'goal' weight until you get there. But being here, in the present, is my 'here' right now; no more excuses.

So...in the end, I called my trainer and said, we need to talk. I now see him twice a week for 1/2 hour sessions (which are amazing!!). He has also agreed to come over once a month to workout with my in our pool so that I can use those exercises on the afternoons in which it is too beautiful to be in the gym. I am off of the treadmill in the mornings and have decided to walk outdoors. I have recommitted to drinking more water. And finally, I decided to go back and re-try the classes (specifically Zumba and Flow which is Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates) but this time I am going in to have fun and not be so hard on myself.

Don't forget to look around you in order to see all the joy!-xoxo C

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Q: 1562 5K bliss

It has taken me about a week to finally get this out of my head and out into the world. What a great experience, fAat yoGa’s first 5k and what a great time to do it.  The morning of the race as usual C was up bright and early probably already ran laps, washed dishes, cleaned her car and planted a garden. I on the other hand needed a timely wakeup call, I planned on being up that early but it did not work out.  I am the total opposite, takes me 15 minutes to sit up, another 5 to stand up and 2 minutes to walk. So as usual I received the call about ½ an hour before the race started and had to rush around to put on clothes, find socks, walk dogs and of course find my keys which I cursed until I realized they were in my pocket.
The race took place at the University of South Florida which is convieniently located right across the street from my complex. Being that it was right across the street I was down to walk to the race (very bad idea). I started to walk on the beautiful Saturday morning and kept walking, and walked some more until I realized wait I’m a mile in and I still have not seen the starting line. Well 2 additional miles later I arrived, at that point my already injured knee was starting to bother me. I was ready had my number on feeling great already walked 3 miles ready for some more. I was wearing my black shorts, fAat yoGa shirt, black sneakers, black socks and strapped to my arm was my black ipod oh and yes that’s right black shades. Yes you guessed it I was having one of those determined Panther moments geering up for a victorious fight.
We lined up, it was getting hot, we stood still, the music was driving me crazy, he raised the gun, I had it in my mind I would run through the gate, the shot rang out, I thought maybe I should have ate. We began walking some running, some skipping and some well not really sure what they were doing but we all were heading in the same direction trying to achieve the same goal. We set off and I was ready I scoped out the person I wanted to stay close to and proceeded to walk. One mile in I was thinking man I got this im good, by the time I hit the 1.5 mile marker my knee started throbbing. I was walking with a notciable limp and my right foot was beginning to blister due to the rubbing in my shoe. I almost gave up at that point, I heard the fatter me saying “just stop go home, float in the pool” and just like that I began to slow down. The good news is I didn’t stop I kept going, the determined never say quit athlete in me pushed on, I even began to jog (bad idea).
With one mile to go the pain was almost unbearable, the friction was causing my sock to heat up like it was going to burst. My knee felt like the muscle was being ripped from the bone but gimpy leg and all I kept going. Just when I thought I couldn’t do it any longer, I heard it, I heard the crowds and the cheers and the announcer verifying that the finish line was near. Then it happened I looked up and saw the word finish and crossed the line. I felt great and as I reached down to grab some ice water I noticed something was different, something was wrong. There I was with blistered feet, a jacked up leg and now my hands had swelled up. My hands were so swollen I could have put them in a bun and called them hot dogs lol. I couldn’t close my hands to make a fist or pick up a bag.
I secretely panicked I then thought that maybe it was the fact I did not eat before I walked 3 miles to get to the race then did another 3.5 miles during the race. Eventually I ran into our trainer and showed him my hands and he looked at me and said do you feel like you’re going to die, “no”, he then said ok you are fine. O_o that was my cue to go home and I walked home with swollen hands, a bum leg, blistered feet and chapped lips. I was able to watch the last people cross the line a 94yr old woman and a cancer patient and at that moment I felt like the pain I was in did not matter. What mattered was that I accomplished one thing I have never thought I would and that was the 5k. What mattered is that I raised money for such a great cause. What mattered is that every step I took felt like I was walking for my best friends, for strangers, for mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, grandfathers, and grandmothers. What mattered is that I finished, we finished, fAat yoGa finished.
*****side note*** Here is a healthy tip:
If you wear those ugly shape up shoes please please please get a new pair if they start to lean to the side. Unless you are trying something knew such as working on your love handles I would strongly suggest purchasing a new pair.
Buy a good pair of sneakers and buy sneakers that are good for the activity you are doing. Wearing basketball sneakers to play tennis is not a good idea.  Tennis shoes to play golf will get you no where.
Proper clothing is a must, for women invest in a good sports bra, for men really focus on the type of underwear your using depending on activity.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

C: Ever Have One of Those Days?

You know the feeling...house is a mess, dog is barking, kids are unhappy, the last thing on your mind is the gym? It can feel overwhelming...I  know and we ALL know. Tackle one room at a time, clean the tub while taking a shower...yeah yeah...these are all great. But how do you make REAL changes?! How do you keep an arsenal of tools on your hip to get you out of a rut?! Here are a 5 tips to help you get through those days:

1. Keep a gratitude journal. This is something I have kept since my early teens. This is like a diary (feel free to use it in that way) but instead of the 'I wish...' and 'I can't believe...' you put things like 'I am so thankful for...' and 'I am so happy to have....' and 'Thank you for showing me.....' and 'I learned that....' Keeping a gratitude journal everyday can help you get through the 'man this day sucks' kind of day. You'll remember all of the great days!

2. Replace your bath gel. I know, I know it sounds kooky but hear me out! I keep at least 3 different bath gels in my home. On a day where I just feel off, I rotate the gel. Just having the different lather and smell is sometimes enough to get me out of a rut. My girl Kim at MochaTreeOrganics has some great body butters that will surely get you out of a stinky mood...check her out!

3. Move your routine for a while. This means, switch sides of the bed, set your alarm for earlier, eat 'dinner' for 'breakfast', take a new route on your way to work, if you workout in the evening-head to a local park instead of the gym, and start teaching the kids how to do things for themselves. Take an afternoon to teach them about doing their own laundry, give them tasks to do when they get home like making their own lunch for the next day or preparing their own healthy snack from the fridge. Shakeology is one of the easiest and most versatile snacks/meals you can make and kids love adding their own fruit concoctions. Visit Q at the Shakeology site and get your bag ordered! This stuff is amazing...especially when trying to get out of a funky mood...can you say Peanut Butter Cup Shake?!

4. Add passion to your day to day. No, no..not that kind (well...yes you can add that) but that's not where I'm going here! I mean...the passion you feel when you work on something you truly love. When time just flies by because you are so engrossed in your activity. Things like wood working, reading, weight lifting, going to the movies, watching a play, watching reality TV. Schedule in at least 20 mins a day to do the thing you really love! For me that's drawing. Can I draw? No. So I went to the library and picked up a book 'How to draw in 30 days'. The book includes step by step lessons on shapes and shading. This book has given me so much freedom! I just put on my headphones and sit and draw. So far I've made a space housing community and a series of gift packages. I'm even working on a series of flags for my future palace walkway...Just us the time to escape and do something that you love whether it be indoors or out.

And finally 5. Get yourself to the gym. I know you know this one because every magazine reports that 'Scientists are now saying....about exercise'. It is the oldest activity in the book. Just get out and walk, it will make you feel so much better. The more you do it, the better you will feel, the less you will have 'off' days, I promise.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

C: Sharing Our Experience With You!

Making the decision to become more fit has not been an easy one. We've really let go of old habits, have to combat those habits creeping up, and spend lots of free time creating new habits. We keep telling ourselves this will all be worth it, and it will be. Having a healthy body leads to better brain processing, lower percentage of getting a disease, more positive attitude, etc etc etc. But there is still the process of taking that first step. Q and I did it together and we expose ourselves through this blog, facebook, twitter, and youtube in order to share that experience with you. We'd now like to take that to the next level. No this is not a trick where you now have to buy something (although I cannot say enough about SHAKEOLOGY!). The next level means getting feedback from you. Helping you to work at become healthier and more fit. We can virtually walk into that gym with you, or check in on you when we haven't heard from you in a while. How will we do this?! With our Summer Challenge! We are putting the finishing touches on everything now, but we are so super excited to share this journey with all of you. So many have reached out to us on a personal level for advice or a confidence boost. We have found that many of you and us are going through the SAME thing! No one is speaking to our demographic....the people who want to do it, and are ready...we just need someone to truly hold our hand. Stay tuned for our announcement and make sure you like us on our facebook page. The announcement will be plastered every where.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Q: Gym Etiquette 101

I just wanted to write a quick blurb about Gym Etiquette because I just about went Harlem on a woman at the gym.

1. First while using a machine please do not place you bag on the seat so that you can do Yoga stretches next to it for 3 minutes. Someone could do an entire set by the time you stretched your inner Yogi.

2. When you work out you sweat, if someone tells you otherwise they are not working out hard enough. With that said leaving a sweaty puddle of yourself on the workout bench or cardio machine is not cool.NOT COOL

3. This is a continuance of #2 if you know you have booty and coochy sweat and you leave a streak wipe it up people. Bring a towel, most gyms will sell you a towel hell if you see me at the gym ask me for an extra towel but whatever you do wipe it off.

4. Sauna, oh the Sauna how I love and hate thee. I just love walking in right after a tough workout dropping the water on the hot stones watching the steam roll up. I usually take the seat up top, steam rises, heart slows down. I usually sit and zone out, then it happens the door opens, a figure steps  up surrounded by light I cover my eyes and think to myself "please I hope its not her, anyone but her" and yup it was her. The 60 something year old who is always naked with 70's bush all over the place. Yes I said it 70's bush and she takes her spot right across from me and lays on her back. Now remember I'm up high and she is low and there it is a mountain full of tangled mangled pube hair surrounded by wrinkly skin. Argghhh people if you plan on being naked in the locker room good lord trim up, scissors are cheap, they sell razors for .50 I can tell you that my gay ass do not want to experience your unkempt glory. so number 4 please groom before you debloom your prized possesions, I'm just sayin.

5. Deodorant, enough said

6. Jocks, when using the machine and you are bench pressing 280lbs and you are done put the weights back on the rack. Im already working out, I'd rather not bust a sweat putting your weights back on the rack. Im just saying.

7. Share, everyone takes a break after a set someone else can jump in for a set don't worry your feelings wont get hurt and most likely will actually get a boost of confidence.

8. Wipe off the machines, had to save it again.

9. If you dont know how to use the machine ask for help don't make a bunch of noise trying to lift heavy weight or simply use the machine ask for help.

10. Please try to refrain from asking numerous questions 2min before the start of a class its rude and no one cares.

I'm just sayin'

Thursday, May 12, 2011

C: I Don't Want To Do It-Part2

Well, I did it anyway! I stayed in the moment, let it pass, did not depend on food, and everything is better. My training session yesterday was awesome, hard, but awesome. My trainer was able to give me longer breaks and more encouragement. He said so much by not saying much yesterday and I appreciated that. I don't know if he reads this blog, do you Chris? But having me slam that ball yesterday was less about working my biceps and more about getting that sad feeling out. He knew I was hurting and he helped heal that feeling...he helped me deal with the moment. My wedding dress is still in the box and I can still see it in my closet. I love it and I am okay with never wearing it. That's not to say I'll never get married, but that dress in particular, was for a time and a moment that has now passed.

5min Warm Up
30 each
-Full body move Stand, feet shoulder width apart. Take 10lb weight in each hand, lower into a squat like you are going to place them at the sides of your feet. Now come up, put weights into bicep curl then up to shoulder press.
-Bench press just the bar
-Slam a weighted ball with one foot in front of the other (15 each side)
-Pulley machine horizontal lat pulls
Rinse and Repeat twice, 2 min break in between

-Standing Lat pulls with hands to the sky- 30
-Using the same machine, place the pin all the way to the last weight. Put one foot on the seat, hands on the bar, lift using that leg until you have both feet on the seat. Step back down, barely touching the floor, back up again. This is almost like a chin up. -15 each leg, you may need a spotter.
-Pulley machine on 10lbs, tricep kick backs -15 each (your arms will already be in burn mode from the lat bar lifting)
-Standing oblique cross. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, hands behind ears. It helps if you can look at yourself in the mirror. Bring opposite knee up to opposite elbow until they touch-20 each side for a total of 40.
Rest 2-3 mins, Rinse and Repeat 2x

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

C: I Don't Want To Do It

So here I sit, at my mac wondering why so many tears are flowing. I woke up sick this morning, I feel tired, I feel....off. I took a moment to stay in this feeling I am having and what I discovered is that I am having so much anxiety about tomorrow's workout session. I went to the doctor after the last session where I felt so light headed, like I was going to puke and the doc said I have orthostatic hypotension which is a nice way to say, 'you worked your heart to the point of giving yourself a mild concussion'. The answer...talk to your trainer about taking things easier...reworking your routine. When I told my trainer, he said, 'poppy cock...we have to work you hard cara'. So now, here I sit. Worried about what tomorrow will bring. Feeling a lose of control because I paid so much money and don't want to quit the trainer part of my workouts, but feeling sick to my stomach thinking of how the last 2 times have left me ill for 2 days after. The good news I do not want to turn to food. I am determined to stay in this until it passes and not simply cover up what I am feeling. The bad news is I have absolutely no desire to go to the gym, the pool, the ocean, nothing. Even though the sun is shining and I'm sure the pool is sparkling, I just want to curl up and sleep this feeling away.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Q: Extreme Makeover–Weight loss Addition

I wanted to write this last night but decided that I should not write in the full emotional fury I initially had when I saw this commercial. I know you must be wondering what am I talking about or better yet you might be saying to yourself “tell me why you mad Craig.” I get off of work late and get home about 40 minutes later; I rush home in order to let out my two beasts that are usually kenneled while I am gone. Once I walk in the door the 5 minutes that I have are pretty scripted, I let the dogs out, rub both at the same time, run to the kitchen put down fresh water, throw the ball, rub a belly and turn on the TV while kicking off the work shoes, flip flops go on and we are out the door.  Last night was different, we did not follow the flow and walk right out of the door, oh no instead when I turned on the TV a commercial came on. Apparently ABC has come up with this fantastic (I hope you sense the sarcasm) program called Extreme Makeover: Weight loss Addition.
I will now tell you why I am mad: I became furious over the title and the premise of the show. First let me state think about the show itself Extreme Makeover: Home Addition, there they are the most obnoxious designers choosing the poorest saddest people in America and building a ridiculously large and extravagant house. A house that most people have to foreclose on because they can’t keep up with the maintenance or the high energy cost of having such a large house on a small income. Whatever way you would like to look at it they are building a house for the poor and making a ton of money on showing how sad and unhappy these people were and how they rushed in and saved the day.
On the weight loss addition they are going to take the “super” obese show a sad arse story and rebuild them like the house they are and *pow* a transformation. This is was I have to say about that…..”LARGER PEOPLE ARE NOT PROJECTS WE ARE NOT HOUSES” don’t get me wrong there are a lot of shows out there that are profiting on seeing fAat people sweat. First the Biggest Loser now I love me some Jillian, wish I could meet her just to have her yell “you better give me more” ok that’s my own dirty dream lol; At least they are showing these people as being competitive, lively spirited, they cry too dayng much for my taste but at least they are portrayed as being human. Then there is Heavy which I might say has to be my favorite show not because it is entertaining, at times it is especially when Ricky Wayne was giving you the tiger eyes lol. It is my favorite show because they tackle the mental part of gain and sustainability.
Yes I am mad, pretty pissed and I know simply mentioning the show may spark a Google or Bing search.  I can tell you that I will not watch the show, I do not think it’s a home improvement project to get the super obese, as they put it, into shape. Shame Shame Shame on ABC, weight loss is a huge business and for some time with the Biggest Loser, the channel had a gold mine. However over time the contestants were not big enough, they weren’t sad enough and now they transition to the even bigger ones. I am only one person but I will turn the channel and hopefully find a Yankees game, soccer, football, anything on while I am home. FYI we are not all sad, we are not projects, we are not buildings, we are just people who stumbled and fell along the way. Give me a show that says hey you have always been beautiful this is not what this is about; let me help you get healthy so that you can live a longer fulfilled life.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Q: Letter to a friend


       Thanks for checking out the blog I find that it is much better to talk to someone either through email or on the phone than on Facebook at times. The journey to being healthy is a long one that C and I are both working through and are constantly learning as we continue in our growth both mentally and physically. To give you a little background regarding fAat yoGa...........
        As you know, while living in NY I was in a very unhealthy state, working at SEFCU, happy hour every Friday and limiting my movement all lead to an insurmountable weight gain. While there I had no idea how unhealthy I had become because I still dated, went out, bought clothes looked good etc. Once I left, reality started to sink in that I was not healthy. My best friend C and I both felt that same feeling of being weighted down by what we hid behind, for so many years and wanted to shed the weight, the hurt, the anxiety, but wanted to do it in a way that we fully supported one another thus fAat yoGa was formed.
        To answer your initial question Yoga is for everyone! So many people shy away from it for various reasons. The first being the feeling that a person cannot quiet their mind, or they look funny in the poses, or they may fart (yes I have heard this excuse), or the big one I’m too big to get into any type of pose that does not involve a chair or a couch. That is not what Yoga is about; Meditation is one part of it which in time you will learn to control as I have. C has complete command of her mind and can zone out when she meditates, I on the other hand, fight with it like a stubborn child. But each time I meditate my mind adapts and becomes accustomed to the change and this is when my mind is quiet. Yoga is about poses, holding that pose, stretching the muscle focusing on your body. It can be very vigorous or very meditative that is up to you, the greatest thing about Yoga is that it’s your choice and there is no pressure.
        On some levels the classes can be expensive especially if you are looking at it on a class by class basis. Most Yoga Studios will give you a better deal if you purchase a multi class pack and this should cut the per class amount in half depending on the package. When looking for a studio check and see if they have a free open to the public class per month. Some places will also give one complementary class for every new student. The most important thing is don’t be scared to ask if you can barter for classes. Discuss a way in which you both can help each other, you could be an expert in cleaning hardwood floors and could offer that service 3x per week in exchange for 3 classes per week. If you have a gym membership check and see if there are classes offered at the gym. Some Buddhist Temples offer meditation and yoga classes and if all else fails check YouTube or order a DVD. My point is there are ways to take advantage of the classes. I highly recommend taking up the art especially when there are health issues involved its low impact and stretching is so important.
        It’s great that you are already taking the steps of becoming physically fit; the treadmill is yet another way to achieve that goal. I would suggest adding some full body workouts that you can do at home such as squats, lunges, plank and push ups. Those exercises work multiple muscles which will enable you to maximize your results. If you have bad knees start slow with the squats and lunges do not overwork your legs and stretch the muscles. One tip I was given is that in the first 15 -30 minutes of a workout you are burning sugar to maximize your caloric burn try doing your run at the end of the workout.
       Finally, let us discuss supplements because I have taken them all from metrx, Amp, GNC products to the pills that always made my heart jump, down to the cheap supplements that are found in Walmart and Target. CLA is not a natural substance and yes I have read the studies regarding the way it reduces the fat in your body. However there are side effects from that substance and they are not side effects due to an allergy which you will find in all natural products. Some people report feeling slightly green or nauseous after taking their CLA, or isolated cases of gastrointestinal upset or loose stools. These side effects typically are reduced when the product is taken with protein (i.e.,with milk), and usually decrease after about 2 weeks taking the supplement. Some people have reported feeling slightly green or nauseous after taking their CLA, or isolated cases of gastrointestinal upset or loose stools. These side effects typically are reduced when the product is taken with protein (i.e.,with milk).
        Shakeology is a natural meal replacement and yes when you see a price tag of over 100 for what the bag says is a 30 day supply I would say no as well. I can say that the 30 day is more of a 60 day supply because to use an entire scoop makes the flavor extremely rich. It is a natural product that has been featured in so many magazines etc. If you figure it will give you 2 months assuming you use half of the powder.On average people will only have 2 shakes per day to replace 2 meals or snacks (you can bake with the product) 60 days breaks down to about 50 bucks per month. I have blogged about Shakeology, C has blogged about Shakeology, if there are any thing you should supplement it would be this product.
         Are there cheaper methods to getting where you want to be OF COURSE there are. It will take discipline and a plan. You should incorporate 6 small meals a day, make sure you are eating the rainbow in vegetables, if you use oil stick with olive. Invest in Pyrex or Tupperware and portion your food out. Make sure you have enough protein and carbs in your diet in order to maximize your weightloss and energy levels. You need carbs to get far is what I tell myself when I'm doing cardio. The most important thing is that you have to heal your mind. There are reasons behind being unhealthy and its not only because you went to McDonald's at 2am and bought 3 double cheeseburgers. There are other underlying issues that you want to tackle because until you do that your body will continue to protect itself. Staying heavy is a way to protect itself from hurt, fear, insecurities etc.
I am so happy you have joined the fAat yoGa team.

Monday, May 2, 2011

C: Rendezvous and Breakthroughs

Hello Internets....clap clap clap...where have YOU been? I've missed you guys. Where have I been? Um....here and there. No seriously...I needed a break, a siesta, a rendezvous!! I had been feeling light headed every time I worked out with my trainer so much so that I would sleep 2 hours after a workout and feel sick 2-3 days after. So...I went to the doctor and she diagnosed me with Orthostatic Hypotension. She explained that my body and mind are conditioned to workout but my heart is sick from years of not being used therefore it does not send enough oxygen to my brain, hence the reason I was feeling light headed and sick. She said I have to work with him on progressively getting my heart into shape. So...I took time from the gym, from fAat yoGa, from keeping track of calories....from everything. Was I mad? No...just wanted to re-adjust. I have been on this journey since Feb 5 without much change and so I took this time to make my new plan of action for the next 3 months.

I also have an 8 year old human who happened to be on Spring break so this was a perfect opportunity to take the time I needed. So...I went 'offline' and guess what?! I feel great. I decided to be a tourist in my own town so we spent days walking around parks, museums, aquariums, pools, the ocean. I think each day we woke around 8a and did not come home until 9p... :) Then we took a quick trip to Indianapolis to see family and friends. I am happy to report that I fit into the airplane seat perfectly, wore the seat belt with no extension needed, and even crossed my legs for most of the trip. Booths were no problem and I laughed when I slid into the rental car with ease. I can finally start letting go of that fear of 'oh no...I no longer fit'. I could always fit...maybe snugly...but I NEVER wanted to NOT fit!! Phew...glad I headed that off before it happened. The gym IS working and I know that the process is long but I am still pumped to be on this journey...and I'm super happy that on May 5, I will be a solid 3 months into this journey of discovery.