Wednesday, May 18, 2011

C: Sharing Our Experience With You!

Making the decision to become more fit has not been an easy one. We've really let go of old habits, have to combat those habits creeping up, and spend lots of free time creating new habits. We keep telling ourselves this will all be worth it, and it will be. Having a healthy body leads to better brain processing, lower percentage of getting a disease, more positive attitude, etc etc etc. But there is still the process of taking that first step. Q and I did it together and we expose ourselves through this blog, facebook, twitter, and youtube in order to share that experience with you. We'd now like to take that to the next level. No this is not a trick where you now have to buy something (although I cannot say enough about SHAKEOLOGY!). The next level means getting feedback from you. Helping you to work at become healthier and more fit. We can virtually walk into that gym with you, or check in on you when we haven't heard from you in a while. How will we do this?! With our Summer Challenge! We are putting the finishing touches on everything now, but we are so super excited to share this journey with all of you. So many have reached out to us on a personal level for advice or a confidence boost. We have found that many of you and us are going through the SAME thing! No one is speaking to our demographic....the people who want to do it, and are ready...we just need someone to truly hold our hand. Stay tuned for our announcement and make sure you like us on our facebook page. The announcement will be plastered every where.

1 comment:

  1. I have been following in silence!!! I am looking forward to what you challenge has in store!
