Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Q: Letter to a friend


       Thanks for checking out the blog I find that it is much better to talk to someone either through email or on the phone than on Facebook at times. The journey to being healthy is a long one that C and I are both working through and are constantly learning as we continue in our growth both mentally and physically. To give you a little background regarding fAat yoGa...........
        As you know, while living in NY I was in a very unhealthy state, working at SEFCU, happy hour every Friday and limiting my movement all lead to an insurmountable weight gain. While there I had no idea how unhealthy I had become because I still dated, went out, bought clothes looked good etc. Once I left, reality started to sink in that I was not healthy. My best friend C and I both felt that same feeling of being weighted down by what we hid behind, for so many years and wanted to shed the weight, the hurt, the anxiety, but wanted to do it in a way that we fully supported one another thus fAat yoGa was formed.
        To answer your initial question Yoga is for everyone! So many people shy away from it for various reasons. The first being the feeling that a person cannot quiet their mind, or they look funny in the poses, or they may fart (yes I have heard this excuse), or the big one I’m too big to get into any type of pose that does not involve a chair or a couch. That is not what Yoga is about; Meditation is one part of it which in time you will learn to control as I have. C has complete command of her mind and can zone out when she meditates, I on the other hand, fight with it like a stubborn child. But each time I meditate my mind adapts and becomes accustomed to the change and this is when my mind is quiet. Yoga is about poses, holding that pose, stretching the muscle focusing on your body. It can be very vigorous or very meditative that is up to you, the greatest thing about Yoga is that it’s your choice and there is no pressure.
        On some levels the classes can be expensive especially if you are looking at it on a class by class basis. Most Yoga Studios will give you a better deal if you purchase a multi class pack and this should cut the per class amount in half depending on the package. When looking for a studio check and see if they have a free open to the public class per month. Some places will also give one complementary class for every new student. The most important thing is don’t be scared to ask if you can barter for classes. Discuss a way in which you both can help each other, you could be an expert in cleaning hardwood floors and could offer that service 3x per week in exchange for 3 classes per week. If you have a gym membership check and see if there are classes offered at the gym. Some Buddhist Temples offer meditation and yoga classes and if all else fails check YouTube or order a DVD. My point is there are ways to take advantage of the classes. I highly recommend taking up the art especially when there are health issues involved its low impact and stretching is so important.
        It’s great that you are already taking the steps of becoming physically fit; the treadmill is yet another way to achieve that goal. I would suggest adding some full body workouts that you can do at home such as squats, lunges, plank and push ups. Those exercises work multiple muscles which will enable you to maximize your results. If you have bad knees start slow with the squats and lunges do not overwork your legs and stretch the muscles. One tip I was given is that in the first 15 -30 minutes of a workout you are burning sugar to maximize your caloric burn try doing your run at the end of the workout.
       Finally, let us discuss supplements because I have taken them all from metrx, Amp, GNC products to the pills that always made my heart jump, down to the cheap supplements that are found in Walmart and Target. CLA is not a natural substance and yes I have read the studies regarding the way it reduces the fat in your body. However there are side effects from that substance and they are not side effects due to an allergy which you will find in all natural products. Some people report feeling slightly green or nauseous after taking their CLA, or isolated cases of gastrointestinal upset or loose stools. These side effects typically are reduced when the product is taken with protein (i.e.,with milk), and usually decrease after about 2 weeks taking the supplement. Some people have reported feeling slightly green or nauseous after taking their CLA, or isolated cases of gastrointestinal upset or loose stools. These side effects typically are reduced when the product is taken with protein (i.e.,with milk).
        Shakeology is a natural meal replacement and yes when you see a price tag of over 100 for what the bag says is a 30 day supply I would say no as well. I can say that the 30 day is more of a 60 day supply because to use an entire scoop makes the flavor extremely rich. It is a natural product that has been featured in so many magazines etc. If you figure it will give you 2 months assuming you use half of the powder.On average people will only have 2 shakes per day to replace 2 meals or snacks (you can bake with the product) 60 days breaks down to about 50 bucks per month. I have blogged about Shakeology, C has blogged about Shakeology, if there are any thing you should supplement it would be this product.
         Are there cheaper methods to getting where you want to be OF COURSE there are. It will take discipline and a plan. You should incorporate 6 small meals a day, make sure you are eating the rainbow in vegetables, if you use oil stick with olive. Invest in Pyrex or Tupperware and portion your food out. Make sure you have enough protein and carbs in your diet in order to maximize your weightloss and energy levels. You need carbs to get far is what I tell myself when I'm doing cardio. The most important thing is that you have to heal your mind. There are reasons behind being unhealthy and its not only because you went to McDonald's at 2am and bought 3 double cheeseburgers. There are other underlying issues that you want to tackle because until you do that your body will continue to protect itself. Staying heavy is a way to protect itself from hurt, fear, insecurities etc.
I am so happy you have joined the fAat yoGa team.

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