Thursday, May 19, 2011

C: Ever Have One of Those Days?

You know the is a mess, dog is barking, kids are unhappy, the last thing on your mind is the gym? It can feel overwhelming...I  know and we ALL know. Tackle one room at a time, clean the tub while taking a shower...yeah yeah...these are all great. But how do you make REAL changes?! How do you keep an arsenal of tools on your hip to get you out of a rut?! Here are a 5 tips to help you get through those days:

1. Keep a gratitude journal. This is something I have kept since my early teens. This is like a diary (feel free to use it in that way) but instead of the 'I wish...' and 'I can't believe...' you put things like 'I am so thankful for...' and 'I am so happy to have....' and 'Thank you for showing me.....' and 'I learned that....' Keeping a gratitude journal everyday can help you get through the 'man this day sucks' kind of day. You'll remember all of the great days!

2. Replace your bath gel. I know, I know it sounds kooky but hear me out! I keep at least 3 different bath gels in my home. On a day where I just feel off, I rotate the gel. Just having the different lather and smell is sometimes enough to get me out of a rut. My girl Kim at MochaTreeOrganics has some great body butters that will surely get you out of a stinky mood...check her out!

3. Move your routine for a while. This means, switch sides of the bed, set your alarm for earlier, eat 'dinner' for 'breakfast', take a new route on your way to work, if you workout in the evening-head to a local park instead of the gym, and start teaching the kids how to do things for themselves. Take an afternoon to teach them about doing their own laundry, give them tasks to do when they get home like making their own lunch for the next day or preparing their own healthy snack from the fridge. Shakeology is one of the easiest and most versatile snacks/meals you can make and kids love adding their own fruit concoctions. Visit Q at the Shakeology site and get your bag ordered! This stuff is amazing...especially when trying to get out of a funky mood...can you say Peanut Butter Cup Shake?!

4. Add passion to your day to day. No, no..not that kind (well...yes you can add that) but that's not where I'm going here! I mean...the passion you feel when you work on something you truly love. When time just flies by because you are so engrossed in your activity. Things like wood working, reading, weight lifting, going to the movies, watching a play, watching reality TV. Schedule in at least 20 mins a day to do the thing you really love! For me that's drawing. Can I draw? No. So I went to the library and picked up a book 'How to draw in 30 days'. The book includes step by step lessons on shapes and shading. This book has given me so much freedom! I just put on my headphones and sit and draw. So far I've made a space housing community and a series of gift packages. I'm even working on a series of flags for my future palace walkway...Just us the time to escape and do something that you love whether it be indoors or out.

And finally 5. Get yourself to the gym. I know you know this one because every magazine reports that 'Scientists are now saying....about exercise'. It is the oldest activity in the book. Just get out and walk, it will make you feel so much better. The more you do it, the better you will feel, the less you will have 'off' days, I promise.


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