Monday, May 2, 2011

C: Rendezvous and Breakthroughs

Hello Internets....clap clap clap...where have YOU been? I've missed you guys. Where have I been? and there. No seriously...I needed a break, a siesta, a rendezvous!! I had been feeling light headed every time I worked out with my trainer so much so that I would sleep 2 hours after a workout and feel sick 2-3 days after. So...I went to the doctor and she diagnosed me with Orthostatic Hypotension. She explained that my body and mind are conditioned to workout but my heart is sick from years of not being used therefore it does not send enough oxygen to my brain, hence the reason I was feeling light headed and sick. She said I have to work with him on progressively getting my heart into shape. So...I took time from the gym, from fAat yoGa, from keeping track of calories....from everything. Was I mad? No...just wanted to re-adjust. I have been on this journey since Feb 5 without much change and so I took this time to make my new plan of action for the next 3 months.

I also have an 8 year old human who happened to be on Spring break so this was a perfect opportunity to take the time I needed. So...I went 'offline' and guess what?! I feel great. I decided to be a tourist in my own town so we spent days walking around parks, museums, aquariums, pools, the ocean. I think each day we woke around 8a and did not come home until 9p... :) Then we took a quick trip to Indianapolis to see family and friends. I am happy to report that I fit into the airplane seat perfectly, wore the seat belt with no extension needed, and even crossed my legs for most of the trip. Booths were no problem and I laughed when I slid into the rental car with ease. I can finally start letting go of that fear of 'oh no...I no longer fit'. I could always fit...maybe snugly...but I NEVER wanted to NOT fit!! Phew...glad I headed that off before it happened. The gym IS working and I know that the process is long but I am still pumped to be on this journey...and I'm super happy that on May 5, I will be a solid 3 months into this journey of discovery.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, 3 months! Awesome! Our bodies have a way of telling us what we need. I am glad to read that you are listening when your body is telling you enough! Good Healthy living is a long marathon and you can't sprint. Personal Trainers sometimes forget that. You are awesome to share everything the hills and the valleys of your journey!
    Hugs to you girl!
    Love ya!
