Thursday, May 12, 2011

C: I Don't Want To Do It-Part2

Well, I did it anyway! I stayed in the moment, let it pass, did not depend on food, and everything is better. My training session yesterday was awesome, hard, but awesome. My trainer was able to give me longer breaks and more encouragement. He said so much by not saying much yesterday and I appreciated that. I don't know if he reads this blog, do you Chris? But having me slam that ball yesterday was less about working my biceps and more about getting that sad feeling out. He knew I was hurting and he helped heal that feeling...he helped me deal with the moment. My wedding dress is still in the box and I can still see it in my closet. I love it and I am okay with never wearing it. That's not to say I'll never get married, but that dress in particular, was for a time and a moment that has now passed.

5min Warm Up
30 each
-Full body move Stand, feet shoulder width apart. Take 10lb weight in each hand, lower into a squat like you are going to place them at the sides of your feet. Now come up, put weights into bicep curl then up to shoulder press.
-Bench press just the bar
-Slam a weighted ball with one foot in front of the other (15 each side)
-Pulley machine horizontal lat pulls
Rinse and Repeat twice, 2 min break in between

-Standing Lat pulls with hands to the sky- 30
-Using the same machine, place the pin all the way to the last weight. Put one foot on the seat, hands on the bar, lift using that leg until you have both feet on the seat. Step back down, barely touching the floor, back up again. This is almost like a chin up. -15 each leg, you may need a spotter.
-Pulley machine on 10lbs, tricep kick backs -15 each (your arms will already be in burn mode from the lat bar lifting)
-Standing oblique cross. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, hands behind ears. It helps if you can look at yourself in the mirror. Bring opposite knee up to opposite elbow until they touch-20 each side for a total of 40.
Rest 2-3 mins, Rinse and Repeat 2x

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