Sunday, February 20, 2011

Q: Ear Hustling

Definition: The art of listening to someones conversation without being caught AKA being nosy

I was at work and found myself getting lost in thought due to the break in phone activity when one of the supervisors walked over and began talking. He was not talking to me instead he was talking to another supervisor who does not sit far from me. I sat there and stared at my computer because this company frowns upon going online for anything (which in todays world is ridiculous) and I actually started to day dream then I heard "I went shopping". So I perked up and mind went off and then these questions came into my head " ooh what did he buy?" "was it something cute?" "Sexy and gay (he is such a cute gay man)." What was actually said next was delightful to my surprise, he said that he bought those shows that make it feel like your running barefoot. I have been talking about those shoes for a few weeks until that ear hustled conversation.

I listened as he spoke to her about how he had to separate his toes to get in the shoe. I listened as he spent 2mins discussing the fact that it was difficult because he wears pointy shoes. I listened as he spoke about the color which matched his running outfit. I listened hoping he would just say where he got them from and when this didn't happen I got up and walk over and said. "Scuse me, I was over there ear hustling (puzzled face) and you bought those shoes that look like Fred Flintstone feet. How did they feel? was it easier to run in? where did you buy them?" They both stood there looking at me with this puzzled face and said "Ear Hustling." WTH (my thoughts lol) I rephrased the question and said in the worst imitation of an English accent "while you were over here talking I overheard that you purchased those fine shoes of which resemble the feet of Fred Flintstone." They both laughed but the information he told me was great. He said that it took a few times for him to get used to them but running was alot easier. Of course I was excited, I was looking for a shoe that would keep me balanced while supporting my weight especially while working out.

Eventually I was informed that those shoes were made for people with narrow feet and narrow feet is not what I have. So of course I am pissed because I really feel that a shoe like that would work wonders for my posture and form especially while doing yoga. Because I don't walk on the prescribed path I will go and try out the shoes however I will keep in mind that i am looking for something that will support the weight I carry. This leads me to the most important thing IT IS IMPORTANT TO INVEST IN GOOD WORKOUT SHOES. Some people are cheap I on the other hand will spend money for sneakers but more for fashion or matching an outfit or fitted hat not for working out. That is part of the change in mindset because you just cant run or even walk if its on your ankles. Now why would these shoes be made for the narrow footed who the hell knows because they are ugly. Regardless of the different colors that they come in the idea is to feel like you're walking or running without shoes. I am unsure if everyone is aware but feet come in all shapes sizes and arches, so if this is true the company is losing out on a huge demographic. Remember find your shoe work it out and you too will get the best workout.

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