Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I never thought I would say this but its been a long road to recovery however, for the first time I know there is an end. Addiction has been a very serious driving force in my life, I have dedicated the past 15yrs fighting the thought of addiction. Like so many people I grew up in a household of addicts my parents were addicts, I remember telling myself on a daily basis that it would not be me. What I have realized is that the very thing that I have been so scared about, what I have been fighting against is the very thing I have become, an ADDICT. Yes people I am an Addict and it took me 15years to figure that out. My form of addiction is not in the form of drugs such as crack, cocaine, or heroin, it is also not in the form of alcohol. No my friends I am addicted to food...No, I am not sitting home and eating until I throw up, and no I am not that person you see on t.v that sat there and ate an entire pizza pie and asks for more. No my form of addiction stems from the fact that I don't ever want to have to feel hunger again. My mom did the best that she could, however, with an addiction to crack and lack of funds more times then not we (my siblings and I) were hungry. Food was always absent in our lives, where families would sit around and have big meals nightly and talk about there days, we may have eaten rice or food that my grandma would pay for. As I got older I promised that I would never go hungry again and this promise I have kept, in fact 179lbs later, yup you guessed it, I'm not hungry. There will be more of this story in the weeks, months, years to come; I invite you to take this journey with us while at the same time go on your own journey and share your stories. Day 1 starts today

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