Thursday, April 7, 2011

C: Breakthrough

I had a wonderful breakthrough yesterday while at the gym with my trainer. The day before I went to the gym 3 times (45min-cardio intervals am, 45min-cardio midday, hour long bodyflow). That night I thought I would not make it to the gym in the morning however, I woke up feeling surprisingly strong so I went. Then yesterday afternoon I met with Chris. About 1/2 way through the circuit I got chills up my arms because I actually felt really strong. I liked the 'high' from being out of breath. Yes, there were some points when I could not do another rep but then he would say 2 more and I would give him 3-4. I was very proud of myself. This morning I was back in the gym...getting my morning cardio on and it was nice to actually notice smiles from the other gym folks. Two other trainers gave me the 'yep! you are working it!' nod and someone else said...'geesh...weren't you hear last night too?' That made me feel good. I'm actually walking in with my head up. I still have lumps and bumps and while I love them, I am enjoying helping them pack their bags and getting the hell off of my body!

4/6 Workout 'All About The Abs':
10 min quick walk
Squat kettle bell (12 times each arm)
Shoulder raise to shoulder press; and really push up when coming out of shoulder press (15)
Cable cross lats (30)
Standing cable twist for obliques (30 each side)
Kettle bell swing with squat; make sure kettle bell comes up to shoulder height. You should not really feel the weight in your arm as the momentum of the swing should carry the weight (15)
Squat and canoe row with weight (12 each side)
Kettle bell standing dead lift from hips (30)
...Rinse and repeat 2 more times with a minute rest in between

Ab machine 40lb-4 sets of 35
Ab machine 60lb-3 sets of 20
Ab machine 80lb-2 sets of 12
Ab machine 100lb-1 set of 10

Then ab bench (like an ab roller)-3 sets of 30

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