Friday, April 8, 2011

Q: Getting There

Yesterday I received a text from a good friend and she wrote that lately she had become very upset at the way one of her family members treated the other. This was stressing her out, she continued to say that she thought about fAat yoGa and the journey and decided to run. She ended up running 6 miles, and she called me an inspiration. I have been at odds with cardio especially the treadmill and or elliptical however today when I went in this morning I felt inspired. Well I accomplished 4miles today...4 miles!!! I feel great could go another 4 but had to stop. I know she is a fAat yoGa reader, ready for her to be a follower but I wanted to thank her for the inspiration. My journey is different from C's because when I'm at the gym there are not alot of people, I dont have that bond with a trainer or trainers. Doing this on my own I realize that where someone may get stuck at is getting the encouragement when you need it at times. That is one reason why I'll never stop going to the classes because that is where it feels good when the instructor knows your name and where you sit, stand, run, sweat next to the same person every week. This is just a word to all those that have hit that point where they need just a little encouragement keep going, keep working and doing.  I ran harder than I have ever run and my goal is to be 80lbs lighter by July 4th weekend which is the same weekend of my friends bachelorette party.We haven't seen each other since I left NY so im working on a huge reveal then September is the wedding and Tough Mudder in December.
Just keep going, whether its with a trainer, in a class, walking on a trail, taking up yoga, working out at home, just keep going. We all come face to face with the mountain, what makes us who we are is how we conquer it, how we move past it. Namaste 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Q,
    Thanks for this note. Sometimes we're so focused on where we're not, we forget to look at where we were. I have the blessings of being able to have a trainer and that is the approach that keeps me going. Having scheduled training is a tangible commitment I can understand. I'm beginning to think about being more independent with my training and it's a little scary that I might let it slip. But I'm getting a sense that I need to be more independent with my workouts and understand bodybuilding\strength training on a more scientific basis (that's how I think.) Good luck with the Tough Mudder Challenge. It's a goal I've set for myself too. You have eight months, you can do it. I've been going on for a bit, but I'll say this: it's made a difference for me. I've finally realized, this isn't a diet, it's not an I need to loose xx lbs and I'm done. It's a lifestyle. It is this for each and every day that I life. That's not scary, that's awesome.
