Monday, April 11, 2011

C: Setbacks

I've been feeling great for the past 2 weeks, so why today do I feel blah? This morning I got a lot accomplished on this, my 'off' day. I fit into a shirt that I bought last year and couldn't fit, last year. But then I bought a bathing suit, got it home and bueno. Everything fits but the boobs. And I felt bloated at the pool...and felt...well....blah. As I sat reading my book, watching my daughter swimming in the pool, I realized, today could be a setback. But then I thought about the word setback and realized that I am not back to anything. This is just a day when I did not get my natural high from the gym. It is a day of rest and introspection. A day to let my body rest, my muscles heal, and my heart focus. Today was a day of reflection and quiet, and piece and mediation for all I have done so far.

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