Wednesday, November 2, 2011

C: Communication Issues

Waaaa! I had a dream last month that this month I would have a mouth full of cotton and spider webs. Well, that part is not coming true but my communication from my brain to my email seems to not be on the same page. :( Communication is such an important part of who we are. We never want to offend but we want to get our point across. Long gone are the days of picking up the phone just to say hello...we are filled with LOL, Ha!, and OMG-s. This month is already off to a rough start when it comes to my communication so I am practicing the art of listening more than speaking (emailing). It will be a challenge but it is needed because the moon and stars are not aligned in my normal Gemini-communication style.

What are your challenges this month? How can yoga/mantras/meditation help you? Take the challenge to look inward.

The Mantra

"Yaa Kundendu Tushaara Haaradhavalaa, Yaa Shubhravastraavritha

Yaa Veenavara Dandamanditakara, Yaa Shwetha Padmaasana

Yaa Brahmaachyutha Shankara Prabhritibhir Devaisadaa Vanditha

Saa Maam Paatu Saraswati Bhagavatee Nihshesha Jaadyaapaha"


May Goddess Saraswati, who is fair and beautiful like the jasmine-colored moon and whose pure white garland resembles frosty dew drops; who is adorned in radiant white attire, on whose arm rests the veena, and whose throne is a white lotus; who is surrounded and respected by the Gods, Protect me. May you remove my lethargy and brighten my life with the light of knowledge."

Thursday, October 27, 2011

C: Svaha!

I've been practicing the Tadasana (Mountain) pose for a few weeks now and am absolutely obsessed. I can do it anywhere, at any time. I do it every time I get up from my desk or the couch or even when I get out of my car. It helps keep me grounded and centered. In last month's Yoga magazine they talked about the idea of Svaha! (Just saying it makes me feel energized) Sv-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaha! It simply means--So Be It! I say it when I first wake up, I say it when I am getting my head wet in the shower, I say it every time I am in my mountain pose. Having a simple pose that can be done any where at any time coupled with a saying like Svaha! puts you into that spiritual awakening space...keeping you in a moment of presence and gratefulness.


Monday, October 24, 2011

C: Endurance

Yesterday I spoke with a guy who was doing a 'Spartan' workout. This workout was designed to get the actors in shape for the movie 300. (You can find a link to the original trainer here: Not for the faint of heart, this guy can get through the entire workout in 17:35 and does this 6 days a week. He cycles and swims for his cardio and explained that he is in better shape now than when he trained in the gym for 2 hours 4 times a week. He said he's older now and would rather spend the time with his kids, golfing, you get the picture. This guy was a beast! Anyway, he gave me some tips and now I'm passing them onto you, fAatyoGa style. I am starting out small but am looking forward to building up this routine.

(Consult your doctor before performing any workout routine)
8 Week Program--

Weeks 1-6: 6 days a week
At Home:
-25 Modified Pullups (Put a roll of packing tape or something to anchor onto resistance bands. Put the end with the tape over a door that closes toward you, close the door. Get down on one knee and pull the bands toward you for resistance. To see this in action, check out this video: or *
-50 Deadlifts (I use dumbbells;
-50 Modified Pushups (
-50 BoxJumps (I jump onto the highest Reebok step height;
-30x2(side) Single arm shoulder raises (
-50 Floorwipers (I cannot do these just yet so I do 2 sets of standing obliques)
-25 Modified Pullups (*)

So far I can do this workout in 30mins while watching the new Rosie show :) . I then do some sort of cardio for 45mins (walking, swimming)

Week 7 & 8
Do the same workout above but only 3 days a week..That's right!!! These are your rest muscle confusion week. Go hard every other day.

Back to the beginning...good luck!

Here is a video of the real movements once you can do them:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Q: Snacks

The hardest thing about fighting to lose the pounds is that at some point you need a snack. Let's face it, eating healthy at times can be boring and as you focus on your goal and you start seeing the results you are less apt to stray. I have found myself in that position as of late. Although I am not a person that will run to a piece of cake I thoroughly enjoy a great nacho dip and chips. Ive decided to go on a quest in finding healthy alternatives to some of my favorite snacks and some are new.

1. Keebler Wheatables- OMG these snacks are both healthy and taste amazing, check them out at your local grocery store or on

2. Pita bread- They are low cal you can cut it in slices drizzle a little olive oil and garlic they turn crisp can use it as the chip in dip

3. Salsa- whether you make it or buy it is great and healthy. If you decide to purchase it watch the salt content in some of the store bought varieties.

4. Smoothies- I strongly recommend making them at home with fresh fruit whether frozen or fresh. It tastes great you cut all the unnecessary sugar you may get from some smoothie stores and it will give you the sweetness you are looking for.

5. Popcorn- Popcorn is low in calories as long as you stay away from some of the designer bags..If you are like me and love the movie butter flavor just make sure you watch the salt content of the bag. A healthier option is to make it at home and add your own butter.

6. Ice Cream- Yup I said it ice cream and no not an entire pint or gallon. Although I cannot eat the stuff it is a great way to get protein from the milk and a bit of sugar. But like everything eat in moderation

7. Fruit - always the best alternative, you could cut some apples put in a pot with a little butter and cinnamon and have warm apples. you could cut fresh peaches or frozen, I recommend staying away from the can, add fresh whipped cream and you have peaches and cream. Or a simple mix of melon

8. Nuts - nuts are a great snack but really try to stick with the serving size because they pack fat.

Monday, October 10, 2011

C: Sh*tty Friends

So...without going into my dating details, I've realized something very profound this weekend. I am one of the easiest friends/girlfriends to have...I only have a few basics. Do what you say you are going to do when you say you are going to do it, don't lie/cheat, open communication. That's it. You want to pursue your dreams at becoming a pencil maker...great! You want to quit a really great career and relax...okay. However, when the relationship is ending I hear over and over from the guys I have dated that they are not good enough for me or they could never live up to my you see the basic rules. I rack my brain trying to figure out what I am not doing or showing that this really is an easy relationship. Not too hard to follow fellows. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I started thinking about the relationships I admire and what I found in common amongst those relationships is that each person is a great friend to their partner. There is no ego, they have open communication, they get each others humor, they can depend on one another without needing to be asked. Seriously! This is what I have been missing. I date guys who make really sh*tty friends.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

C: Find Your Fit

The picture represents my morning solace, my prayer time, my 'me' time, my quiet, my workout, and my thinking time all in one. I love swimming, have since I was a wee one. One of the greatest things I've realized about myself during this journey is that the one-size-come-in-a-dvd-and-you-will-shed-500-lbs-so-sign-up-today-or-remain-fat programs do not work for me. I cannot be put into a box. I also cannot stay in a gym routine for very long...I just get anxious. I want my mind to 'think' it is not working out and then, I will stay with the exercise. That is just how I am, period. So when I found swimming again this summer I was absolutely so happy. From the first few seconds of silence as I dunk my head under water to the last lap, I find my head thinking about absolutely nothing. I am in the moment. I love how the sun sprinkles and glitters the trees when I begin but then is shining on me when I end. I love how clear the bubbles are and I love the rhythm of my breath to stroke ratio. I am looking forward to rediscovering my old exercise friend.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Q: Back Home Again Part 2

So there we were driving up North to what would turn out to be the best weekend I've had in a long time. Relaxation was in the air, the banter with my best friend kept us all laughing, and although tired we felt a little bit of relief that I was back home. We drove and for a split moment there was silence, I got lost peering at the trees. The leaves were changing, the air was crisp, it was fall, and in the background my other friend talk about apple picking but I couldn't really hear. It came to me that for years I never noticed how beautiful the beginning of fall is around there. For so long I was consumed with the dread and grey of winter that I didn't notice the bright colors of fall. I hadn't been gone that long; the last time I was in NY it was not the best experience. It was March dead of winter, the streets were icy and my relationship was rocky. Turns out that would have been the last time I was in a relationship, the last time I drove 16 hours and the last time I was in NY.

When we finally made it to our destination I became nervous all that kept running through my mind was the orange polo shirt I was going to wear. This was my moment for the first time I was asked to be a part of a wedding. For the rehearsal dinner I bought this almost rustic orange shirt that was a size smaller than I am comfortable wearing. I could not get out of my mind that my love handles would noticeably show which would have ruined my night. When you lose a noticeable amount of weight your mind continues to believe that you need to be in larger clothes. That there was my struggle, everything I bought for the wedding was a few sizes smaller and because of that my mind kept reminding me of what might show.

The hardest thing about losing weight is the mental fight you have with yourself. Although, I have lost a significant amount of weight my mind tells me that I should continue to wear the clothes I once could fit in. At this point my old clothes look terrible and the new clothes fit. I don't know where it became the norm that when you are bigger you need loose clothes. Well that is a thought for another post, but to continue everything fit, I looked pretty daymn good if I might say so. The wedding was amazing it was great to see the change in us all. Some of us essentially grew up together, from that first step into the college dorms, the first time an ID was chalked, behind the wheels of a car, graduation and first apartment. There we all were together with the people who decided to take the journey together. We celebrated, it was a new future, two of our friends get to share it together and I with the new me. That weekend was the door opening to a new tomorrow and closing the chapter of yesterday. I was able to share that moment with my closets friends and developed a brand new one of which I'm excited about. Overall besides the fact I was freezing what a fantastic weekend. No filters, just fun and learning that life is unexpected don't and not put any limitations on it.

Monday, September 26, 2011

C: Loss

Today I mourn the spiritual loss of my relationship with my father. As much as I hold onto who I am, I am realizing that it is because of his behavior that shapes me today. I know that I am a better parent, friend, confidant, worker, sister, and daughter. Watching him over time has taught me that you can't go through life being selfish and alone. For me, this is the last piece of the past that I needed to face.

RIP, in spirit, Dad...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Q: Back home Again...Part 1

For months I prepared for the journey home mentally and physically. Excitement kept me going while anxiety held me back. I found myself stuck in this cycle of both wanting to go and finding any reason to stay. It's been about 6 months since the last time I set foot in NY and a number of things have changed. The most obvious is that I am almost 100lbs lighter and the not so obvious is that mentally I am at peace. Life is different now and the person that they once new and have grown to love is no longer there. For so long my happiness was sustained by the interactions I had with others and now my happiness is from the self I've grown to know. Although, I knew that the friends that I have made would welcome me with open arms, my insecurities always made me question if they would notice. Not only was I feeling the anxiety of being reintroduced to NY and the life I once lived but I also had to deal with my greatest challenge...would I be able to fit comfortably in the airplane seat and fasten my seat belt without the extender.

Finally the day came, dropped my dogs off and started driving to Orlando International airport with my mind full of what if's. What if i cant fasten the seat belt, what if they don't notice, what if the flight attendant points out that I'm fat, what if I really have not changed...While all of this was going through my mind the day moved forward, entered the full body scan, carried my bag to my gate sat down, took a deep breath and just let it all go. When I opened my eyes at that very moment I felt calm and assured that even if they did not notice I knew I changed. I knew that life was not about a drink, a snack, nachos, or fried food. The calm I felt was based more on the love I now had for self and the appreciation I had for the world.

It was time to board the plane, I stopped took a deep breath and proceeded to make my way towards the first obstacle from my past. There I stood looking down at the seat I would take, it was in the isle, more room to stretch my legs. Because the flight was early I was able to sit by myself in front of two people that would later shape the scope of the day. It was time, I reached for the seat belt did not hold my breath to suck in my stomach and I securely fastened the belt and had to pull it tighter.

At that moment for the first time I breathed and really smiled and as I did so I was able to meet such a wonderful person. People travel, from going to work to the market and finally on vacation. Although we are a species surrounded by others we tend to only focus on self and never look up and meet the person sitting next to you. I used to be one of those people only focusing on myself and how miserable I was. Living day to day to eat and drink, waking up in the morning going to a dead end job, living in a place that seemed grey at all times of the year, life was grim. But the person I am now has allowed me to look at the world and the people around me with a different understanding. So when I met this fellow traveler I felt connected just at that moment. As we talked about accomplishment, weight loss, having younger people in our lives I realized that ultimately as travelers we share similar experiences.

During the flight not only was I able to fasten my seat belt, but I was able to pull the tray down and nicely rest my cup of water on it. Most people do not have to worry about this but for those that do you will understand how important this act was. The second flight was the same I could fasten the seat belt and pull down the tray. But unlike my first flight I did not make any connections instead I thought about the conversation I had and how important it is to help people through there own journey. Because of that flight I understand that losing weight is not just an adult conversations; it is a conversation that should be held at all levels and not with the words diet but with the words healthy living. I want to thank Colleen, because of that conversation I now know how important it is to talk to the younger generations about keeping themselves healthy.

By the way, I landed got up without anxiety and walked out of the airport into the brisk fall air of upstate NY. I loaded myself into the car and looked at my best friend I knew at that moment that things were different.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

C: Disney, Not For The Faint of 'Foot'

So this weekend the Queen Mum and Bug partook in a Disney adventure for Bug's early bday. Between Downtown Disney on Friday night and Disney Studios on Saturday, my pedometer logged 16 miles!! That is a whole lot of freakin' walking!! I love taking a break from the routine and exercising while doing something fun like walking in a fun park. I am not a gym person, never have been, never will be. I just feel closed in and confined. I also need variety as I've learned from my ENFJ personality sheet. My next goals are to discover ways to burn calories while discovering new activities outside. Here's to paddle boarding!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Q:Still Here

A number of people have asked me where have I been on the blog, if C and I are doing well as friends. The answer is yes!! It has been a very busy 2 months and I will go further into that in the next blog posts. I am stopping by right now to let everyone know I'm still here and I'm back embracing the blogging world. Thank you all for the concern and stay tuned because I have a lot to announce..Remember everyday is a blessing...Namaste

Thursday, September 1, 2011

C: For Women Only

The men should read as well. So we all know that our bodies go through drastic changes every month. Each month we complain, we wonder, and we feel fat. But then we feel great, we feel thin, we feel strong....hold up!! How can this happen in one month and then happen over and over and over again?! Let's not call it the 'time of month', let's not call it 'flow', let's not even call it 'I'm just bitchy'! Stop making excuses for your menstrual cycle for the benefit of everyone else (ie. MEN). Let's breakdown the actual process so that you can be better prepared for workouts, for relationships, and for life!

Before we take notes...let's quickly talk about Periods. When I was 13, my dad told me that having a period is what makes women the most special thing on the planet because it signals the fact that women can give life. He explained my cycle from a scientific level. There was no giggling, no embarrassment, just a matter of fact conversation about my body. I have done the same with my daughter. Since then, I have been very aware and have always kept a weekly schedule but as I have met more and more female friends, I realized that not everyone this 'talk'. Self magazine breaks it down like my dad did, so many years ago.

According to the September 2011 issue of Self magazine under the article, "Feel Well Every Week', if you have more information about what is going on biologically, you can make better decisions for your body logically. Make sense? Okay...get your calendar out and let's begin.

Week 1-YOU HAVE YOUR PERIOD. This means that Estrogen and progesterone levels are low. Low levels of estrogen can cause depression, irritability, and even OCD. Estrogen's partner in crime, Progesterone can do wonders when trying to get preggers...they work together to help 'signal in the sperm'...I often think of little guys with glow sticks motioning a huge airplane. Anyway, I digress. If progesterone levels are low, it can cause sodium retention, cramping, diarreha. So what do you need to do during this time? My advice, take it easy!! Perhaps you switch up your workout to include more stretching. Low estrogen can also cause your temperature to rise so try just sleeping with a sheet instead of a comforter. Also, turn off the laptop and silence the cell a few hours before going to bed...this week you need your rest!

Week 2-You'll be feeling great because your body is preparing to ovulate. You've made it through the cramps and sleepless nights so this week, tackle projects and keep your house in order. Estrogen and Testosterone levels are pretty high so put on that mascara and show off that toned bod!! Use the extra energy to really push through your workouts. If you normally do a set of 30, try sets of 35..your body will thank you on that days that you don't feel all that energized.

Week 3-So this week the egg is released and is on its way down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. Some women say that it is during THIS time when they feel the most irritable...why? Well...we are animals. Women are biologically designed to produce so when your body releases that unfertilized egg, it is pissed and makes you suffer for it. You may even feel a little down. To help with symptoms, up your calcium levels. Yes, there is milk (but milk is for baby cows). Why not use some alternatives like collard greens, soymilk, black-eyed peas, tofu, oj, molasses, baked beans, kale, cabbage, oranges, almonds, broccoli. So load up on a stir fry and add lots of broccoli...:)

Week 4-So now that your body is pissed from not getting fertilized your estrogen and progesterone levels will drop (see week 1). While more stable in week 1 (actually during your period), the week before can be hell. Find some quiet space to just be. If you feel irritated, take a walk, take a breath...pre-menstrual symptoms are no joke and can lead to confusion, mis-interpretation, and irrational thinking. Don't respond to emails or text messages right away. Do not react to perceived 'tones' or 'attitudes' and try not to be too impulsive. Keeping a record of this week will really help. Bump up your banana and broccoli intake to help with the increased amount of salt your body is holding onto. Drink plenty of water and tea to help ease anxiety. These are real feelings you feel but your mind may be blowing them out of proportion so this may be a good time to get to that nature walk path you've been meaning to do, this time, go alone.

I hope this helps. Tuning into your body is so important. Instead of beating yourself up for not working out, go with the flow. Listen to what your body needs and just go with it without the guilt.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I came across this passage the other day and thought I would share:

Vitarka vicara ananda asmitarupta anugamat samprajnata -- In order to reach a state of complete understanding, we must go through a process that progresses from a superficial understanding to increasingly greater refinement and subtlety of comprehension, until our understanding becomes fully integrated and total.


Thursday, August 18, 2011


I love this youtube channel. Not that I am selling her books or ideas but she is onto something. I've been eating clean for the past month and I have never felt so good.

Monday, August 15, 2011

C: My Forgotten Snack

I used to LOVE popcorn! I used to love popcorn so much that when we would go to my dad's for the weekend, I remember my step mother slapping my hand out of the bowl. I used to wish I had my own bowl. I am a product of the 80's, remember when you could eat bags and bags of the stuff and seemingly feel full and not gain any weight. Well, the microwave crap is for the birds. My tongue would feel itchy and I used to feel this dried, disgusting feeling in my throat after throwing back a bag (or 2). So when I was at a recent wine event and gourmet popcorn was being passed around, I couldn't resist. The host for the evening is from London and partial to finger foods paired with fabulous wines. She wants you to enjoy the wine but not feel too full off of the food being served with the wine. So then how do you keep folks from getting drunk?! She picked the perfect solution...popcorn. She makes a huge homemade batch and then sprinkles them with her favorite toppings. There were little cups dusted with feta, some sprinkled with stevia (for that kettle corn affect), and some even dusted with chocolate and chilli powder for the red wines. It was absolutely de-lish!! And with the individual cups, you could down the entire thing or eat daintily while sipping your wine. I decided on the stevia blend and paired it with an iced cold riesling which, by the way, went along excellent with the cheese puffs she was serving (recipe to follow in another blog).

Here's how to make homemade popcorn (perfect every time!)
Put a deep pot on to medium-high heat
Pour about 3 tbsp of oil (I prefer vegetable)
Pour 1/2 cup of popcorn kernels into pot
Put lid on
You'll hear popping in about 5 mins, give the pot with lid on, 1 hard shake after the popping slows.
Remove from heat, distribute into equal bowls (sprinkle with your toppings as you desire)

C: Anxiety

Over the past couple of weeks I have felt an overwhelming anxiety that is so crippling, I can't even leave the house. This weekend 'IT' finally came to a head and I figured out why I was feeling this way. Let me go back in space a bit to help you understand. Q and I started this blog as a way to encourage each other and share information that we have found. We received so many individual messages describing how our notes helped people that we knew we were onto something big. We are still onto something big because we get it. We get that this is a journey and a huge change and within that journey, you are forced to deal with issues you don't or haven't wanted to deal with. fAat yoGa has really taken on a life of itself with meeting people, spreading the word about our journey, and even profitable. For me though, what has happened is that something so precious and infantile in my life, has become so overwhelming. I now have deadlines and am responsible to people. The problem...I'm still in the middle of my is almost like a conflict of interest. I workout and stay healthy because I want to, but the minute someone says I have to get something done, I shy away from that piece of it. I want this in my own time and my own space. It has actually caused me to stop seeing my personal trainer as became all too much, too fast.

You see, what I realized is that if everything I do relates to a business of FY, then where does that leave my personal life? Where does that leave me time to work on or grow the things I love? I am looking at a pile of loose beads right at this very moment. What started out as a very clean and fun idea to help people focus on their yoga practice, has become a deadline and a project that 'hopefully people will buy'. When I get an idea in my head, I am all for it. Then it passes, I put the stuff away and move onto another project. I may or may not come back to it but knowing that folks are depending on me for the 'hobby' makes me not want to do that hobby, does this make sense?

As with anything in life. Achieving life goals has to be on your own terms and your own timeline. Pushing to do an event or be at a certain weight by a certain time just does not motivate people, why? Because everyone needs their own time to process and go through their own journey.

I am so incredibly proud of what we have accomplished as individuals and as a team. I know that this is not the end of FY because this blog has gotten me to where I am now, however, this is the space in which I will remain. I will continue to blog about my experience and share what I am learning along the way, but that is where it will end and Cara, the person who is exploring this vast world, will begin. I need to separate the 2 in order to stay on this path of fitness. Here's to finding my fit!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

C: Reasons to Get Moving

What are your reasons to get moving these days? Have you thought about them? Before you start listing 'I need to get in shape for my reunion' or 'I would really like to wear a bikini', let's start with the first reason; you need to get moving for YOU. So many times we put our loved ones, work, kids, magazine articles, and even guilt first before we put ourselves first. How can you achieve all that you would like to achieve if you don't put yourself first?

Believe me, I've heard the excuses...'well, she cries in the 2 hour childcare while I workout'...'well, my husband feels like we aren't spending time together'...'I'll miss my favorite show'. I HAVE HEARD THEM ALL and the answer to me is, 'then you really do not want to get fit'. In order to get fit you HAVE to put YOU first. Simple, plain, the end. Realize that you will feel better, you will look better, and most importantly, you WILL actually have the energy to get to all of those who depend on you, and guess what, you'll do it with a better attitude. So...start small (walk 15mins at a brisk pace every morning), create doable goals (Include veggies in every meal), and commit to the process (Instead of running away from stress, work through it with exercise)...YOU WILL SEE RESULTS!

“Every human being is the author of his own health or disease.” - Buddha

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

C: Where Does The Time Go?! constantly changes, of course!! It is amazing how life changes and how bodies and minds change along with it. When I first started this journey, I really depended on this blog as my escape but now that 7 months have gone by, it feels like a long lost friend. So what has been happening with me? Well...I'm still working out, eating right and living life. Once I dealt with the WHYs of food obsession, I cleared the way for new adventures and hobbies to occupy that space. I am now obsessed with jewelry and jewelry making, knitting (yes, even in Florida), travel, I've really gotten back into reading, and just taking time to redefine who I am. The food has become such a small factor in my life, the food is now for life energy. What have you discovered about yourself now that you have put down the fork? Isn't life full of amazing things?!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

C: Phrases I Live By

There are times when I feel weak, defeated, virtually deflated. In those times, I open my journal and pull from phrases I have learned over time to help me get through the valleys of life. Here are some of those phrases:

-Lift your head and smile into the sun
-Embrace inner beauty
-Be Present
-Smile more
-Forgiveness is for YOU
-Someone somewhere else is having a worse time
-Think positively
-Do not speak negative thoughts into the universe for they WILL happen
-You CAN do 30 mins of ANYTHING
-Follow your gut
-Listen to God whispers
-Smile authentically
and my favorite, go to phrase of all time
-What do you have to lose?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Q: A letter

I thought it would be appropriate to write this letter to you at this stage in your life. Wow, its been a long time since we last spoke and from what I understand life has been full of it’s up’s and down’s. I heard you moved; finally you decided to take the leap of faith and leave one of the most depressing places around. I still am in shock that you jumped off that cliff and landed on your two feet it should feel great at this moment. Thank you for also taking control of your health we’ve been sick for so long. You have done quite well with yourself; the people you have in your life are intelligent, resourceful, complementary, but most of all they are supportive. Looking back I don’t think you would have been able to get this far without the strong unit you put together.

I always felt it necessary to start off pointing out some of the good things, you know those things that are easiest to discuss. The one thing I have learned going through the weight loss process with you is that once you start shedding the weight, layers peal away and expose what you have hid for so long. Remember reading Sister Outsider for the first time? Remember that feeling of safety, of being able to breathe for the first time. It is hard when you are an outsider as we have been for so long within our family, society and school you essentially grow a thick skin. We never fit the mold of course we tried, from attempting to play with Barbies as a child when you wanted to reach for the GI Joes. Trying to hang with the girls when you wanted to do everything with the boys; remember the perm and a weekly wash and set when hair didn’t matter as long as you could put it in a pony tail and play basketball. Then lets not forget having a boyfriend when you secretly wanted your female best friend, going off to college when everything pointed for you to stay. The list goes on but through it all we survived, a little bruised but we have been able to carve a little piece of this world just for ourselves.

Most people don’t even know that we cut our hair right after reading that book. It was a great moment because for once we embraced being the outsider, we also removed that final piece of the past that was really never our own. At first it was an adjustment but later it got easier and our voice became stronger, we became stronger but we never healed. What felt like a lifetime was spent finding where you fit in, the place we called home was foreign and the family you worked so hard to keep together were dismantled. No one knew the anger, hurt, sadness, fear we carried with us. We never let anyone get close but secretly you know we really wanted someone to save us. But admitting that would be suicide right…right…well I’m not sure anymore. I know we go back in forth on that one because there were people who we attempted to let in and it didn’t work out so well. Then again there are others that we allowed in and it’s worked out better than we would have even guessed. Who would have guessed that the people you trust the most are those that were the most unlikely to be called a friend.

For the time being that’s not important because I have decided to finally write to you because I’m concerned. My concern comes from this road that we are on of which we have never seen before. I realize that weight loss is a process but would have never thought that it would be a mental process of both up’s and downs. As each layer is melted away so are the walls we put up to protect ourselves from the outside world. But what does that mean you once asked? Well it means that it’s time to really look at all the people you have been in relationships with and why you chose them. Let us really sit down and review all those moments where you kept drinking past the point of being drunk. Or those times when you continued to eat well after being full. What was it about those relationships that you tried to hold onto to make them work? What were you thinking when drinking to the white boy wasted status? Why keep eating?

I know you would rather I not point out that you haven't had a successful relationship in which both parties agreed it was not going to work since Japan. I also know that you would rather that I don’t bring up that in all the relationships you tried harder than the person you were with. This last one came at a time in which you needed support someone more than a friend to help you jump off that cliff. She gave us that and we let her in and yes she did crush you and yes she fed you what was a dream. But for the first time you had that dream and you now know that you would be ok with having a family of your own. Now don’t go and get crazy because the thought of a child still sends shivers down the spine. But waking up next to someone other than your dogs is pretty nice. We now know that, we want another person to drive 16hrs to see us, or call to make sure we are ok after we haven't spoke for 2 days, we want someone to hold the back of our neck when our mind is unclear.

I can tell what you are thinking and yes it will happen although there may be a battle between heart and head but it will. You have already met the perfect person, you have seen pieces of them in all the people you have dated just right now it’s not our time. What we have to do right now is understand, appreciate what you have learned and accept what you cannot change. I love the person we are becoming I compare this to the life of a moth. You are an insect until you find the one place of solitude where you learn, live and be with yourself. This can take a long time but then you get it and you blossom you grow wings and you’re never the same again. That is our transformation we have to get through the hard parts, the dirt, the grime and sweat. Our weight has been the cocoon for so long and we were scared to step out. Until now we didn’t understand how different we were yet the same as we all are.

Luckily we are not on this road alone we have friends that have decided to go with us but know some may not be able to keep up. As we continue to grow mentally and physically we open ourselves up to limitless possibilities. By this point I know you wonder why in the world did I write this. I wrote this because I realized that life changes it goes on, you will experience failure and achievement. You will also gain and lose people along the way including oneself. My weight was my suit and armor and taking it off means I have to deal with the person I haven't seen since I was 13. This is my healing my way of putting out into the world that I get it. We are all like onions, so many layers, so many sections and if you continue to pull at it you will find the heart of it all. This is my piece to the world my way of calling a cease fire between my head and my heart.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

C: Great Full Body Workout

My trainer took me through an absolutely awesome workout the other day and I thought I'd share it with the masses!! This is a full body workout which gets you in and out of the gym!

5 min fat burn on treadmill. Incline 6.5, Walking 3.0
BOTH Stations...3 sets of 30 reps (30 second break in between):
Station 1
1. Using barbell with 5lb weights, squat down like you are putting weight on the floor, stand bringing weights up to chest then punching weight up to shoulder press
2. Dead lifts
3. Barbell resting on back of neck/shoulders. Squat down and burst up to tip toes
4. Bicep curl with barbell

Station 2:
1. Using pulley machine, put the weight on about 25 and stand so that the weight is 'tight' and you are holding with both hands in front of you. Squat down and as you stand up, pull the pulley/weights up over your head like you are tossing dirt over your head
2. Standing with left hand holding pulley and right hand resting on left hand, pull the pulley from left to center (in front of you). You should feel this in your abs, hips should not move
3. Repeat above this time using right hand as dominant
4. Repeat #2, this time, up the weights and pull the pulley to center, holding for a 30 second count...this should burn in your abs and shoulders
5. Repeat #2, this time, right hand is dominant

Take a minute break...GET SOME WATER and stretch those shoulders

Now...hop on the treadmill and do a fat burn like in the warm up but this time for 15 mins. Last take the treadmill down to 1.5 and walk at a pace of about 2.7 to let the heart come should be sweating!

Friday, July 8, 2011

C: My Version of Ramen

In trying to come up with creative carb/veg/protein combos on the cheap, I turn to Ramen! Yes, I could go and get the cheap package from the store but the salt is out of this world and the noodles are not always made from rice. So I took a trip to my local farmer's market and picked up some in season veggies, some asian chicken seasoning, and a HUGE package of rice noodles for cheap cheap cheap!! Here is what I did. I heated a pan (med/high heat) and added about a tbsp of olive oil. While that was heating, I thinly sliced some left over flank steak from the day before. I placed the steak in the pan and let it cook, flipping it about 1/2 the way through...about 3-4 mins on each side. BTW, I added about 1/2 cup of water to the pan and put the lid on the pan to sear in the steam...makes for juicy steak. While the steak was cooking, I rinsed off some bok choy, got out my pre-cut scallions and carrots, and dissolved about 1 tbsp of the chicken seasoning in 2 cups of hot water. I removed the steak and set it aside in a bowl. I then added the broth, scallions, carrots, bok choy, and the steak. I left the center open for my noodles. The rice noodle package comes in an 8.5x11 sheet about 2 inches thick so I just grabbed a hunk and ripped it from the other noodles. I placed the noodles in the middle of the pan to absorb the liquid, giving the noodles a quick 'chuszzz' so that the liquid was above the noodle. I then turned the heat down (med/low heat), put the cover on the pan and let the ingredients get to know each other for about 8-10mins. I then turned the heat off, did a quick toss and served. This made 2 servings and was!!! Try adding in season veggies!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

C: Balance

This picture always inspires me and, while it is not from my beach, it reminds me that I am so small in the big scheme of things. Small in the sense that I do not feel like I have to have the weight of the world on my shoulders and that, sometimes, my 'problems' are not as 'heavy' as I think they are. Take time to appreciate where you have come from and where you are going. Meditate on that bicep growing under your skin, think about how strong you feel, laugh even when you don't feel like laughing. Namaste

Monday, July 4, 2011

Q: The End

The past few weeks has been one of the most eye opening experiences thus far. One thing about change is that when you change one thing everything else has to change. When you commit to happiness and a healthy lifestyle the world you once knew begins to crumble. Those great friends you once had that you spent every Friday or Saturday with drinking, eating laughing...gone...The significant other who promised the support you need to get through this moment...gone...In the beginning there was a lot of support,there were a lot of calls and emailed support but now...gone...In the past I would have ignored this just kept moving replaced those that were lost with those that filled the void. This time the one thing I realized and when you commit to getting healthy, you commit to the lifestyle. When the person I was seeing decided to end the relationship for a minute I was crushed. That was the first step in knowing that I have changed because for once the hurt was real instead of anger. The funny thing about it was I got the ole George Costanza its not me its you bit.
My first reaction was shock as they continued by saying they have been seeing someone that was it. I didn't lose my cool I kindly said I hope it was worth it and that was it. At that moment I really lost all the negativity that I was holding onto. I was becoming healthy and in my quest to get in the best shape of my life everything that was unhealthy or negative eliminated themselves. Here I am lighter, more aware, I now understand that life is all about balance. Everything in life should balance themselves from friends, to family and to the special someone.
If there are stones in your life that do not support who you are, who you were and who you will be then its time to skip them across that pond.
Life is a series of roads, hills, mountains, deserts, forests and valleys. Its an adventure, a day at the beach, a triathlon, the first mile run, a first date, that first kiss a never ending story. We are all lucky in that the road we take can be chosen. Throughout my journey I have learned that we at times put too much focus on the road and forget to choose the right people to go with. Life hit me yet my focus remains the same actually it became stronger. Challenge, Balance, Live, Love, Laugh,Explore, Discover, and Support the words I say daily.

Friday, June 24, 2011

C: I've Broken Lots of Bad Habits But This One Was Major!

When you get older, your parents older. When your parents get older, there is a change in the universe where you become the caretaker, this has happened in my family. I have used traumatic events in my life as an excuse to not eat well and, really, go off the deep end when it comes to food. This time however, I've not only stuck with my feel good foods, I've increased them. While my mother was sleeping, I used the time to journal and research protein, carbs, and fats to really see what the right balance is for myself. While I will not become a full red meat eater, I definitely feel closer to eating like a cave woman. ROAR!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Q: Why I luv Yoga

This will be short but it came to me one day while watching my dvr recordings of So You Think You Can Dance.I have always had a love for the arts, I wanted as a child to play the violin and the bass, most of all I love dance. The movements, the meaning behind every shift of the shoulder, every movement of the feet brings me to envious bliss. Yoga is the closest thing that I will come to being a dancer. Each movement like dance is very precise, requires breathing concentration and pushing limits. Both have movements that must flow and poses you must hold but most of all both connects you with something more than just self. Essentially it allows you to come one step closer to the universe.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

C: Use YOUR Body to Fight For Good!

Love yourself today by signing up to use that BODY to raise money or do something active for a cause! Jog for someone's rights, walk your dog for the local non-kill shelter, get off the couch and serve food at a local homeless shelter, train a friend for free...

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Q: Subway Journey

After a long day of work then a nice swim hunger was calling my name. As I made my way to the pet store for some good ole kibble for the dogs the tummy began to rumble. So naturally once the rumbly started in my tummy my mind began to drift. I stood there looking at the bag of dog food picturing my hand reaching inside a red bag of Doritos, I could taste that wonderful artificial cheese flavor, I could here the crunch. Then I was interrupted by a high pitched high schooler asking if he could help me. I paid walked out felt like slow motion, listening to my stomach hoping for a snack then it occurred to me. Moments like this is where the work begins, it's not easy to get up and go to the gym but its extremely hard to fight those moments when you are hungry and needing something quick.  I decided to take a moment sit in the car and think about what I was going to do next. Eventually I thought about Subway because we have all seen the commercials so we can all agree what a healthier choice.
For a little background I have been very aware of what I eat because of the amount of energy I'm expending per day. I do a full body workout 3x per week, I take a yoga class 4 times out of the week thats not to mention the hours of swimming, walking the dogs and other physical activities. I have to be aware of how many calories I consume its important that I have enough calories. I went to subway ordered the footlong of the month which is a chipolte chicken, this turned into a flat bread roasted chicken and swiss with a ton of vegitables for a little over 5 dollars. I rushed home fed the dogs then fed myself and while I was eating it I thought about the amount of calories I consumed vs. the amount of money I paid for the sub. I calculated using subways nutritional values pdf found on their website, that I consumed about 532 calories. That equates to a foot long, flat bread, chicken and Swiss sandwich with a ton of veggies and honey mustard.
When thinking of a fast food establishment its really not bad at all when we look at the calories. As I was eating I thought about what I could have done differently. Subway is right next to Publix (a supermarket), I could have walked in purchased $2 of low sodium, low fat turkey, 1 loaf of oatmeal bread (on sale for 2), a handful of fresh spinach ($.40), 1 tomato ($.89) and walked out of the store. The amount of money I would have spent on those items could have made a sandwich for tonight and tomorrow . If you want to look at the calorie content, 2 slices of oatmeal bread is 45 calories add an additional 50 calories for the slices of turkey and I never count the calories of veggies because it is so small. Basically what I learned is that we pay for convienance in calories and in money. If we truly want to cut our waist along with our waste we truly have to dedicate time and patience in making everyday choices.

Monday, June 13, 2011

C: Listening to YOUR Body

Yes we have goals and yes we want to be a beast on the pulley machine however! YOU MUST LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Recently I decided to step it up a notch with my workouts so I split my workout in half (instead of 1 hour/week with my trainer I am now doing two 1/2 hour sessions/week). It is also hot here in FL so I am swimming everyday. But now my body is saying...whoaaaaa cowgirl....take it easy! I didn't listen and now I have a pulled hip flexor. For those of you who do not know what that groin is seriously hurt; so hurt that sometimes I can barely walk. So...I'm getting more cardio in at a slower/longer pace than busting it out in short spurts. Plus...I'll need to warn my trainer that I am hurt...see what he wants to do.

I'll update you on that workout because I still want to maintain what I've lost through the injury. So listen to your body before it gets hurt and incorporate more stretching/yoga into your routine.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

C: Self 'Steal Her Workout' -Maria Menounos

As Q mentioned, I was traveling last week and besides starting the fAat yoGa challenge (did you get your 20mins in today?!), I saw a great workout that was perfect for my hotel room, so I tried it. To give you a little background, this month's Self Magazine featured Access Hollywood anchor and NBC Nightly News reporter, Maria Menounos, and her super easy and effective hotel workout routine. Not only could I feel the burn but have made this workout part of my nightly routine. These can be done on a bed or a couch..if you are on the floor, I would suggest a yoga mat. Here's what you do...

1. Saddlebag slimmer or as I like to call it the 'let's have pillow talk'...lie on your left side, with left arm supporting head/neck and right hand on the bed in front of you. Squeezing your thighs and butt, put your insoles together and spread your knees apart, you should form a diamond shape. Now lift your feet off of the bed. I really felt this in my left inner thigh and my right hip! I did not really like this move as I felt I couldn't really get my legs/feet off of the bed so I added more to the next moves...

2. Belly buster...or as I like to call it, 'hang off the bed and then sit up'...lie on bed with shoulders/arms hanging off of bed. (you should be looking upside down). Now sit up onto bed in an upright position. This was awesome while 'listening' to the news, the up and down movement made me feel a little queezy so I did not focus on the TV too much.

3. Tush tightener...once again...not the name I would have picked so let's go with 'get on all fours and do a donkey kick in the air'. I did this move 3 different ways in the same set. I got on all fours and started with my right leg. At first I kicked my foot up into the air with my foot flexed and then brought my knee back to the bed. Then the next time I kicked, I pointed my foot and extended my leg and instead of bringing it back in to the bed, I made my knee come forward and arched my back up; then to start. The third move, which completed the rep was I donkey kicked up and then pulsed it up 10 times before returning to start. I did 2 sets of 12 reps with 3 moves counting for 1 rep each.

4. The last move they show is called a thigh trimmer...which is like a scissor kick.  You lay on one side, with your leg on the bed, bent behind you. Pointing your foot with the other leg, simply raise it up. Now...You can get wild with this I did. I did the simply up down move but then I expanded it to go up and around in a circle and I also pulsed the leg up.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rules: Get yo Ass of the couch challenge

The Rules:

1.       You have to do a minimum of 20 min per day of exercise… Check out for a great 20min workout routine
2.       Sign up for your FREE Beach Body account at
3.       Once you are on the site when asked who you want your coach to be make sure you enter Shaquay Clark, you will receive an invite to join the fAat yoGa challenge group.
4.       Become familier with the site and log your exercises per day. Enter in the 20min you do in the morning and any other activities you do to keep active. Two reasons for this, first at the end of the week you will be entered in a weekly fAat yoGa drawing and Second Beach Body gives out prizes on a daily basis for those who log in their workouts.
5.       Keep in touch with us either on facebook (, check out the videos for additional 20 minute workouts at ( and of course this blog.
6.       Any questions feel free to contact us via Facebook or email at
      7.   Take a before picture dont worry we wont ask you to publish it if you are not
             willing to. This is because at the end of the challenge you must take an after and then we will ask you to publish both photos. To keep everyone honest please email your before pictue to this will kept safe and sound until the end results. 
 ***** One last thing, once you become a team beach body on the tab that says join a group click on that and enter fAat yoGa and join our group.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

C: Plateau

In the world of geology, a plateau simply means flat terrain but in the fitness world it simply means YOU ARE STUCK! Now that we are rounding out May, I have been feeling S-T-U-C-K! My body does not want to do an hour long once a week workout with my trainer, my body hates the treadmill, none of the classes interest me....uggggg. I took last week off to think about 'why' I was feeling stuck. It has been 4 months since we started this journey and I was just plain 'antsy'! I then realized that many times, when you reach the plateau of a mountain, or a valley, or the top of a building, is when you truly see EVERYTHING! Give me a moment to explain. Let's say you decided to take a hike. You walked along the path and waved to a bird, and swatted a fly. You may have even looked away from the path to see the running stream or the sun glistening through the trees. But when you get to a clearing, a plateau, what do you normally do? You look around to see where you hiked from, see where you can hike to in the future, and see where you destination lies. It gives you hope that through all those steps over the river and through the woods, added up to this very moment. From here you can really 'see' what you were hiking for.

I reached my plateau last week but instead of feeling 'stuck', I opened my eyes and felt grateful for how much I've pushed through over the past few months. I finally embraced that this journey is also a process. A process of daily commitment of staying active and feeding my body quality foods. I remembered that I am my own personal champion...that only I have the choice to stop or go on and only I have the choice of what attitude I will take as I move forward in this journey. And finally, I told myself to not dwell in the negative feelings of 'not seeing results' because I AM seeing results. There is no way to know what size will be your 'goal size' or what weight will be your 'goal' weight until you get there. But being here, in the present, is my 'here' right now; no more excuses. the end, I called my trainer and said, we need to talk. I now see him twice a week for 1/2 hour sessions (which are amazing!!). He has also agreed to come over once a month to workout with my in our pool so that I can use those exercises on the afternoons in which it is too beautiful to be in the gym. I am off of the treadmill in the mornings and have decided to walk outdoors. I have recommitted to drinking more water. And finally, I decided to go back and re-try the classes (specifically Zumba and Flow which is Yoga, Tai Chi and Pilates) but this time I am going in to have fun and not be so hard on myself.

Don't forget to look around you in order to see all the joy!-xoxo C

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Q: 1562 5K bliss

It has taken me about a week to finally get this out of my head and out into the world. What a great experience, fAat yoGa’s first 5k and what a great time to do it.  The morning of the race as usual C was up bright and early probably already ran laps, washed dishes, cleaned her car and planted a garden. I on the other hand needed a timely wakeup call, I planned on being up that early but it did not work out.  I am the total opposite, takes me 15 minutes to sit up, another 5 to stand up and 2 minutes to walk. So as usual I received the call about ½ an hour before the race started and had to rush around to put on clothes, find socks, walk dogs and of course find my keys which I cursed until I realized they were in my pocket.
The race took place at the University of South Florida which is convieniently located right across the street from my complex. Being that it was right across the street I was down to walk to the race (very bad idea). I started to walk on the beautiful Saturday morning and kept walking, and walked some more until I realized wait I’m a mile in and I still have not seen the starting line. Well 2 additional miles later I arrived, at that point my already injured knee was starting to bother me. I was ready had my number on feeling great already walked 3 miles ready for some more. I was wearing my black shorts, fAat yoGa shirt, black sneakers, black socks and strapped to my arm was my black ipod oh and yes that’s right black shades. Yes you guessed it I was having one of those determined Panther moments geering up for a victorious fight.
We lined up, it was getting hot, we stood still, the music was driving me crazy, he raised the gun, I had it in my mind I would run through the gate, the shot rang out, I thought maybe I should have ate. We began walking some running, some skipping and some well not really sure what they were doing but we all were heading in the same direction trying to achieve the same goal. We set off and I was ready I scoped out the person I wanted to stay close to and proceeded to walk. One mile in I was thinking man I got this im good, by the time I hit the 1.5 mile marker my knee started throbbing. I was walking with a notciable limp and my right foot was beginning to blister due to the rubbing in my shoe. I almost gave up at that point, I heard the fatter me saying “just stop go home, float in the pool” and just like that I began to slow down. The good news is I didn’t stop I kept going, the determined never say quit athlete in me pushed on, I even began to jog (bad idea).
With one mile to go the pain was almost unbearable, the friction was causing my sock to heat up like it was going to burst. My knee felt like the muscle was being ripped from the bone but gimpy leg and all I kept going. Just when I thought I couldn’t do it any longer, I heard it, I heard the crowds and the cheers and the announcer verifying that the finish line was near. Then it happened I looked up and saw the word finish and crossed the line. I felt great and as I reached down to grab some ice water I noticed something was different, something was wrong. There I was with blistered feet, a jacked up leg and now my hands had swelled up. My hands were so swollen I could have put them in a bun and called them hot dogs lol. I couldn’t close my hands to make a fist or pick up a bag.
I secretely panicked I then thought that maybe it was the fact I did not eat before I walked 3 miles to get to the race then did another 3.5 miles during the race. Eventually I ran into our trainer and showed him my hands and he looked at me and said do you feel like you’re going to die, “no”, he then said ok you are fine. O_o that was my cue to go home and I walked home with swollen hands, a bum leg, blistered feet and chapped lips. I was able to watch the last people cross the line a 94yr old woman and a cancer patient and at that moment I felt like the pain I was in did not matter. What mattered was that I accomplished one thing I have never thought I would and that was the 5k. What mattered is that I raised money for such a great cause. What mattered is that every step I took felt like I was walking for my best friends, for strangers, for mothers, brothers, sisters, uncles, grandfathers, and grandmothers. What mattered is that I finished, we finished, fAat yoGa finished.
*****side note*** Here is a healthy tip:
If you wear those ugly shape up shoes please please please get a new pair if they start to lean to the side. Unless you are trying something knew such as working on your love handles I would strongly suggest purchasing a new pair.
Buy a good pair of sneakers and buy sneakers that are good for the activity you are doing. Wearing basketball sneakers to play tennis is not a good idea.  Tennis shoes to play golf will get you no where.
Proper clothing is a must, for women invest in a good sports bra, for men really focus on the type of underwear your using depending on activity.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

C: Ever Have One of Those Days?

You know the is a mess, dog is barking, kids are unhappy, the last thing on your mind is the gym? It can feel overwhelming...I  know and we ALL know. Tackle one room at a time, clean the tub while taking a shower...yeah yeah...these are all great. But how do you make REAL changes?! How do you keep an arsenal of tools on your hip to get you out of a rut?! Here are a 5 tips to help you get through those days:

1. Keep a gratitude journal. This is something I have kept since my early teens. This is like a diary (feel free to use it in that way) but instead of the 'I wish...' and 'I can't believe...' you put things like 'I am so thankful for...' and 'I am so happy to have....' and 'Thank you for showing me.....' and 'I learned that....' Keeping a gratitude journal everyday can help you get through the 'man this day sucks' kind of day. You'll remember all of the great days!

2. Replace your bath gel. I know, I know it sounds kooky but hear me out! I keep at least 3 different bath gels in my home. On a day where I just feel off, I rotate the gel. Just having the different lather and smell is sometimes enough to get me out of a rut. My girl Kim at MochaTreeOrganics has some great body butters that will surely get you out of a stinky mood...check her out!

3. Move your routine for a while. This means, switch sides of the bed, set your alarm for earlier, eat 'dinner' for 'breakfast', take a new route on your way to work, if you workout in the evening-head to a local park instead of the gym, and start teaching the kids how to do things for themselves. Take an afternoon to teach them about doing their own laundry, give them tasks to do when they get home like making their own lunch for the next day or preparing their own healthy snack from the fridge. Shakeology is one of the easiest and most versatile snacks/meals you can make and kids love adding their own fruit concoctions. Visit Q at the Shakeology site and get your bag ordered! This stuff is amazing...especially when trying to get out of a funky mood...can you say Peanut Butter Cup Shake?!

4. Add passion to your day to day. No, no..not that kind (well...yes you can add that) but that's not where I'm going here! I mean...the passion you feel when you work on something you truly love. When time just flies by because you are so engrossed in your activity. Things like wood working, reading, weight lifting, going to the movies, watching a play, watching reality TV. Schedule in at least 20 mins a day to do the thing you really love! For me that's drawing. Can I draw? No. So I went to the library and picked up a book 'How to draw in 30 days'. The book includes step by step lessons on shapes and shading. This book has given me so much freedom! I just put on my headphones and sit and draw. So far I've made a space housing community and a series of gift packages. I'm even working on a series of flags for my future palace walkway...Just us the time to escape and do something that you love whether it be indoors or out.

And finally 5. Get yourself to the gym. I know you know this one because every magazine reports that 'Scientists are now saying....about exercise'. It is the oldest activity in the book. Just get out and walk, it will make you feel so much better. The more you do it, the better you will feel, the less you will have 'off' days, I promise.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

C: Sharing Our Experience With You!

Making the decision to become more fit has not been an easy one. We've really let go of old habits, have to combat those habits creeping up, and spend lots of free time creating new habits. We keep telling ourselves this will all be worth it, and it will be. Having a healthy body leads to better brain processing, lower percentage of getting a disease, more positive attitude, etc etc etc. But there is still the process of taking that first step. Q and I did it together and we expose ourselves through this blog, facebook, twitter, and youtube in order to share that experience with you. We'd now like to take that to the next level. No this is not a trick where you now have to buy something (although I cannot say enough about SHAKEOLOGY!). The next level means getting feedback from you. Helping you to work at become healthier and more fit. We can virtually walk into that gym with you, or check in on you when we haven't heard from you in a while. How will we do this?! With our Summer Challenge! We are putting the finishing touches on everything now, but we are so super excited to share this journey with all of you. So many have reached out to us on a personal level for advice or a confidence boost. We have found that many of you and us are going through the SAME thing! No one is speaking to our demographic....the people who want to do it, and are ready...we just need someone to truly hold our hand. Stay tuned for our announcement and make sure you like us on our facebook page. The announcement will be plastered every where.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Q: Gym Etiquette 101

I just wanted to write a quick blurb about Gym Etiquette because I just about went Harlem on a woman at the gym.

1. First while using a machine please do not place you bag on the seat so that you can do Yoga stretches next to it for 3 minutes. Someone could do an entire set by the time you stretched your inner Yogi.

2. When you work out you sweat, if someone tells you otherwise they are not working out hard enough. With that said leaving a sweaty puddle of yourself on the workout bench or cardio machine is not cool.NOT COOL

3. This is a continuance of #2 if you know you have booty and coochy sweat and you leave a streak wipe it up people. Bring a towel, most gyms will sell you a towel hell if you see me at the gym ask me for an extra towel but whatever you do wipe it off.

4. Sauna, oh the Sauna how I love and hate thee. I just love walking in right after a tough workout dropping the water on the hot stones watching the steam roll up. I usually take the seat up top, steam rises, heart slows down. I usually sit and zone out, then it happens the door opens, a figure steps  up surrounded by light I cover my eyes and think to myself "please I hope its not her, anyone but her" and yup it was her. The 60 something year old who is always naked with 70's bush all over the place. Yes I said it 70's bush and she takes her spot right across from me and lays on her back. Now remember I'm up high and she is low and there it is a mountain full of tangled mangled pube hair surrounded by wrinkly skin. Argghhh people if you plan on being naked in the locker room good lord trim up, scissors are cheap, they sell razors for .50 I can tell you that my gay ass do not want to experience your unkempt glory. so number 4 please groom before you debloom your prized possesions, I'm just sayin.

5. Deodorant, enough said

6. Jocks, when using the machine and you are bench pressing 280lbs and you are done put the weights back on the rack. Im already working out, I'd rather not bust a sweat putting your weights back on the rack. Im just saying.

7. Share, everyone takes a break after a set someone else can jump in for a set don't worry your feelings wont get hurt and most likely will actually get a boost of confidence.

8. Wipe off the machines, had to save it again.

9. If you dont know how to use the machine ask for help don't make a bunch of noise trying to lift heavy weight or simply use the machine ask for help.

10. Please try to refrain from asking numerous questions 2min before the start of a class its rude and no one cares.

I'm just sayin'

Thursday, May 12, 2011

C: I Don't Want To Do It-Part2

Well, I did it anyway! I stayed in the moment, let it pass, did not depend on food, and everything is better. My training session yesterday was awesome, hard, but awesome. My trainer was able to give me longer breaks and more encouragement. He said so much by not saying much yesterday and I appreciated that. I don't know if he reads this blog, do you Chris? But having me slam that ball yesterday was less about working my biceps and more about getting that sad feeling out. He knew I was hurting and he helped heal that feeling...he helped me deal with the moment. My wedding dress is still in the box and I can still see it in my closet. I love it and I am okay with never wearing it. That's not to say I'll never get married, but that dress in particular, was for a time and a moment that has now passed.

5min Warm Up
30 each
-Full body move Stand, feet shoulder width apart. Take 10lb weight in each hand, lower into a squat like you are going to place them at the sides of your feet. Now come up, put weights into bicep curl then up to shoulder press.
-Bench press just the bar
-Slam a weighted ball with one foot in front of the other (15 each side)
-Pulley machine horizontal lat pulls
Rinse and Repeat twice, 2 min break in between

-Standing Lat pulls with hands to the sky- 30
-Using the same machine, place the pin all the way to the last weight. Put one foot on the seat, hands on the bar, lift using that leg until you have both feet on the seat. Step back down, barely touching the floor, back up again. This is almost like a chin up. -15 each leg, you may need a spotter.
-Pulley machine on 10lbs, tricep kick backs -15 each (your arms will already be in burn mode from the lat bar lifting)
-Standing oblique cross. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, hands behind ears. It helps if you can look at yourself in the mirror. Bring opposite knee up to opposite elbow until they touch-20 each side for a total of 40.
Rest 2-3 mins, Rinse and Repeat 2x

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

C: I Don't Want To Do It

So here I sit, at my mac wondering why so many tears are flowing. I woke up sick this morning, I feel tired, I I took a moment to stay in this feeling I am having and what I discovered is that I am having so much anxiety about tomorrow's workout session. I went to the doctor after the last session where I felt so light headed, like I was going to puke and the doc said I have orthostatic hypotension which is a nice way to say, 'you worked your heart to the point of giving yourself a mild concussion'. The to your trainer about taking things easier...reworking your routine. When I told my trainer, he said, 'poppy cock...we have to work you hard cara'. So now, here I sit. Worried about what tomorrow will bring. Feeling a lose of control because I paid so much money and don't want to quit the trainer part of my workouts, but feeling sick to my stomach thinking of how the last 2 times have left me ill for 2 days after. The good news I do not want to turn to food. I am determined to stay in this until it passes and not simply cover up what I am feeling. The bad news is I have absolutely no desire to go to the gym, the pool, the ocean, nothing. Even though the sun is shining and I'm sure the pool is sparkling, I just want to curl up and sleep this feeling away.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Q: Extreme Makeover–Weight loss Addition

I wanted to write this last night but decided that I should not write in the full emotional fury I initially had when I saw this commercial. I know you must be wondering what am I talking about or better yet you might be saying to yourself “tell me why you mad Craig.” I get off of work late and get home about 40 minutes later; I rush home in order to let out my two beasts that are usually kenneled while I am gone. Once I walk in the door the 5 minutes that I have are pretty scripted, I let the dogs out, rub both at the same time, run to the kitchen put down fresh water, throw the ball, rub a belly and turn on the TV while kicking off the work shoes, flip flops go on and we are out the door.  Last night was different, we did not follow the flow and walk right out of the door, oh no instead when I turned on the TV a commercial came on. Apparently ABC has come up with this fantastic (I hope you sense the sarcasm) program called Extreme Makeover: Weight loss Addition.
I will now tell you why I am mad: I became furious over the title and the premise of the show. First let me state think about the show itself Extreme Makeover: Home Addition, there they are the most obnoxious designers choosing the poorest saddest people in America and building a ridiculously large and extravagant house. A house that most people have to foreclose on because they can’t keep up with the maintenance or the high energy cost of having such a large house on a small income. Whatever way you would like to look at it they are building a house for the poor and making a ton of money on showing how sad and unhappy these people were and how they rushed in and saved the day.
On the weight loss addition they are going to take the “super” obese show a sad arse story and rebuild them like the house they are and *pow* a transformation. This is was I have to say about that…..”LARGER PEOPLE ARE NOT PROJECTS WE ARE NOT HOUSES” don’t get me wrong there are a lot of shows out there that are profiting on seeing fAat people sweat. First the Biggest Loser now I love me some Jillian, wish I could meet her just to have her yell “you better give me more” ok that’s my own dirty dream lol; At least they are showing these people as being competitive, lively spirited, they cry too dayng much for my taste but at least they are portrayed as being human. Then there is Heavy which I might say has to be my favorite show not because it is entertaining, at times it is especially when Ricky Wayne was giving you the tiger eyes lol. It is my favorite show because they tackle the mental part of gain and sustainability.
Yes I am mad, pretty pissed and I know simply mentioning the show may spark a Google or Bing search.  I can tell you that I will not watch the show, I do not think it’s a home improvement project to get the super obese, as they put it, into shape. Shame Shame Shame on ABC, weight loss is a huge business and for some time with the Biggest Loser, the channel had a gold mine. However over time the contestants were not big enough, they weren’t sad enough and now they transition to the even bigger ones. I am only one person but I will turn the channel and hopefully find a Yankees game, soccer, football, anything on while I am home. FYI we are not all sad, we are not projects, we are not buildings, we are just people who stumbled and fell along the way. Give me a show that says hey you have always been beautiful this is not what this is about; let me help you get healthy so that you can live a longer fulfilled life.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Q: Letter to a friend


       Thanks for checking out the blog I find that it is much better to talk to someone either through email or on the phone than on Facebook at times. The journey to being healthy is a long one that C and I are both working through and are constantly learning as we continue in our growth both mentally and physically. To give you a little background regarding fAat yoGa...........
        As you know, while living in NY I was in a very unhealthy state, working at SEFCU, happy hour every Friday and limiting my movement all lead to an insurmountable weight gain. While there I had no idea how unhealthy I had become because I still dated, went out, bought clothes looked good etc. Once I left, reality started to sink in that I was not healthy. My best friend C and I both felt that same feeling of being weighted down by what we hid behind, for so many years and wanted to shed the weight, the hurt, the anxiety, but wanted to do it in a way that we fully supported one another thus fAat yoGa was formed.
        To answer your initial question Yoga is for everyone! So many people shy away from it for various reasons. The first being the feeling that a person cannot quiet their mind, or they look funny in the poses, or they may fart (yes I have heard this excuse), or the big one I’m too big to get into any type of pose that does not involve a chair or a couch. That is not what Yoga is about; Meditation is one part of it which in time you will learn to control as I have. C has complete command of her mind and can zone out when she meditates, I on the other hand, fight with it like a stubborn child. But each time I meditate my mind adapts and becomes accustomed to the change and this is when my mind is quiet. Yoga is about poses, holding that pose, stretching the muscle focusing on your body. It can be very vigorous or very meditative that is up to you, the greatest thing about Yoga is that it’s your choice and there is no pressure.
        On some levels the classes can be expensive especially if you are looking at it on a class by class basis. Most Yoga Studios will give you a better deal if you purchase a multi class pack and this should cut the per class amount in half depending on the package. When looking for a studio check and see if they have a free open to the public class per month. Some places will also give one complementary class for every new student. The most important thing is don’t be scared to ask if you can barter for classes. Discuss a way in which you both can help each other, you could be an expert in cleaning hardwood floors and could offer that service 3x per week in exchange for 3 classes per week. If you have a gym membership check and see if there are classes offered at the gym. Some Buddhist Temples offer meditation and yoga classes and if all else fails check YouTube or order a DVD. My point is there are ways to take advantage of the classes. I highly recommend taking up the art especially when there are health issues involved its low impact and stretching is so important.
        It’s great that you are already taking the steps of becoming physically fit; the treadmill is yet another way to achieve that goal. I would suggest adding some full body workouts that you can do at home such as squats, lunges, plank and push ups. Those exercises work multiple muscles which will enable you to maximize your results. If you have bad knees start slow with the squats and lunges do not overwork your legs and stretch the muscles. One tip I was given is that in the first 15 -30 minutes of a workout you are burning sugar to maximize your caloric burn try doing your run at the end of the workout.
       Finally, let us discuss supplements because I have taken them all from metrx, Amp, GNC products to the pills that always made my heart jump, down to the cheap supplements that are found in Walmart and Target. CLA is not a natural substance and yes I have read the studies regarding the way it reduces the fat in your body. However there are side effects from that substance and they are not side effects due to an allergy which you will find in all natural products. Some people report feeling slightly green or nauseous after taking their CLA, or isolated cases of gastrointestinal upset or loose stools. These side effects typically are reduced when the product is taken with protein (i.e.,with milk), and usually decrease after about 2 weeks taking the supplement. Some people have reported feeling slightly green or nauseous after taking their CLA, or isolated cases of gastrointestinal upset or loose stools. These side effects typically are reduced when the product is taken with protein (i.e.,with milk).
        Shakeology is a natural meal replacement and yes when you see a price tag of over 100 for what the bag says is a 30 day supply I would say no as well. I can say that the 30 day is more of a 60 day supply because to use an entire scoop makes the flavor extremely rich. It is a natural product that has been featured in so many magazines etc. If you figure it will give you 2 months assuming you use half of the powder.On average people will only have 2 shakes per day to replace 2 meals or snacks (you can bake with the product) 60 days breaks down to about 50 bucks per month. I have blogged about Shakeology, C has blogged about Shakeology, if there are any thing you should supplement it would be this product.
         Are there cheaper methods to getting where you want to be OF COURSE there are. It will take discipline and a plan. You should incorporate 6 small meals a day, make sure you are eating the rainbow in vegetables, if you use oil stick with olive. Invest in Pyrex or Tupperware and portion your food out. Make sure you have enough protein and carbs in your diet in order to maximize your weightloss and energy levels. You need carbs to get far is what I tell myself when I'm doing cardio. The most important thing is that you have to heal your mind. There are reasons behind being unhealthy and its not only because you went to McDonald's at 2am and bought 3 double cheeseburgers. There are other underlying issues that you want to tackle because until you do that your body will continue to protect itself. Staying heavy is a way to protect itself from hurt, fear, insecurities etc.
I am so happy you have joined the fAat yoGa team.

Monday, May 2, 2011

C: Rendezvous and Breakthroughs

Hello Internets....clap clap clap...where have YOU been? I've missed you guys. Where have I been? and there. No seriously...I needed a break, a siesta, a rendezvous!! I had been feeling light headed every time I worked out with my trainer so much so that I would sleep 2 hours after a workout and feel sick 2-3 days after. So...I went to the doctor and she diagnosed me with Orthostatic Hypotension. She explained that my body and mind are conditioned to workout but my heart is sick from years of not being used therefore it does not send enough oxygen to my brain, hence the reason I was feeling light headed and sick. She said I have to work with him on progressively getting my heart into shape. So...I took time from the gym, from fAat yoGa, from keeping track of calories....from everything. Was I mad? No...just wanted to re-adjust. I have been on this journey since Feb 5 without much change and so I took this time to make my new plan of action for the next 3 months.

I also have an 8 year old human who happened to be on Spring break so this was a perfect opportunity to take the time I needed. So...I went 'offline' and guess what?! I feel great. I decided to be a tourist in my own town so we spent days walking around parks, museums, aquariums, pools, the ocean. I think each day we woke around 8a and did not come home until 9p... :) Then we took a quick trip to Indianapolis to see family and friends. I am happy to report that I fit into the airplane seat perfectly, wore the seat belt with no extension needed, and even crossed my legs for most of the trip. Booths were no problem and I laughed when I slid into the rental car with ease. I can finally start letting go of that fear of 'oh no...I no longer fit'. I could always fit...maybe snugly...but I NEVER wanted to NOT fit!! Phew...glad I headed that off before it happened. The gym IS working and I know that the process is long but I am still pumped to be on this journey...and I'm super happy that on May 5, I will be a solid 3 months into this journey of discovery.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Q: Shakeology Day 5-7

If you have been following I have been very impressed with the taste, consistency of the protein powder. After reading reviews of the product a few things were brought to my attention. First there are claims that the product is  scam due to a lack of listed ingredients in the powder. Second there has also been some concern about the presence of Caffeine in the shake, personally I wouldn't mind a bit of caffeine in it especially if it keeps me from taking caffeine pills. The past few days I have been taking those concerns into account and really checking the ingredients and the skeptics are probably correct with their observation. I do not believe that all of the ingredients are listed on the bag, however with that said I am not dissuaded from using Shakeology. If there are any questions regarding if there are artificial flavors included I simply would send the person right to the taste. Again I have tried all type of protein powder, from Amp, Isopure, Muscle Milk, ProSource, GNC, EAS and others over the years. I have also tried just about all of the flavors offered from my fave Vanilla then Strawberry and finally Chocolate of which was wayyy at the bottom of my list. As a consumer making an honest observation who also does not have anything to gain, I would say that all the other powders tasted synthetic. They were grainy, clumped in regular water, the taste did not fully taste like the actual flavor, you knew when you were drinking the shake.

That is what is different with Shakeology, I do not know whether all of the ingredients are natural however, I will say that it tastes natural. Usually at this point I am sick of drinking the shakes and force myself just to swallow it fast but this is different with Shakeology. I have not been tired of the shake in fact I prefer to make it thick like ice cream and eat it with a spoon. I also finally realized how it gave me the boost I had been looking for to get me through the day. I skipped the shakes all together on day 7 and let me tell you I dragged all day, I felt so week and couldn't figure out why I felt so bad. Then I realized what was missing from the day was my normal morning shake. I always felt the energy but never crashed like I would after taking a caffeine pill or drinking diet coke (I heart). I have to give the shake an A+++ for the energy boosting qualities it states it will give you. I also found out there are new recipes and I really think there is natural cocoa in the powder because of the taste. I cant wait to do the cleanse, I will begin the cleanse on Monday simply because I like to eat sushi etc. on the weekends.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Q: Shakeology Day 3-4

Thus far I will say that this is the best tasting supplement that I have tried over the years. Most after a while tend to taste grainy almost artificial, Shakeology on the other hand continues to be smooth and the chocolaty taste remains. I have toyed around with what to add to the powder, so far I have added Bananas, Strawberries, Honey, Blue Berries, Raspberries and Wild Berries. My favorite is a combination of powder, bananas and strawberries along with ice and come Almond or Rice milk. I also prefer it to be very thick which makes it taste like a Wendy's frosty and its just that good. I also have drank it just with water and still it kept its flavor and was not as lumpy as most powders tend to get when you simply mix with water. In the oncoming days I will do a Shakeology cleanse and make cookies with the powder from a recipe that was given to me with the bag of Shakeology.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Q: Shakeology Day 2

On day 2 of my 30 day Shakeology trial, I combined 1 scoop of Shakeology with, 1/2 banana, Almond Milk (unsweetened), ice and water. What came out was this smooth chocolate and banana drink which was sooo good. If you are a chocolate lover and you have this product try putting a banana in the cup. I enjoyed the flavors but next time I will put 1/2 a scoop because it can be very overpowering especially if you are not a huge chocolate person which I am not. I will point out that when I first received the bag Janna from Team Beach Body did say that it will clean you out the first couple of days. She was correct and unfortunately I was stuck working a double shift at work. Unlike some people I know, my turtle will not come out of the shell when I am away and around an unknown toilet. It was painful feeling your tummy twist and roll but with proper meditation and concentration I got through it. Remember that it will cleanse the body as you continue to drink your shakes.